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Still being harassed

I just want you to see the extent to what I am dealing with they just came to my house at 10pm at night

Same false allegations as last time. A police officer showed up along with the case worker for abuse allegations

My sons grandfather was calling me yesterday telling me he was going to throw me in prison and jail so I went and made that police report I wrote about yesterday

I told them about it and everything was fine. I told the worker that this harassment has been going on since January since I got a restraining order against his father
ExtremeNext · 31-35
I know people who can make him disappear 🤫
Lostpoet · M
i've had the same problem
Lostpoet · M
@DeluxedEdition Why would they do that are they trying to get custody of him?
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Lostpoet no she literally sent me a text telling me "i'm going to do everything in my power to get that child taken away from you you are fucking disgusting and i hate you"

dcf has a copy of that text. she doesn't want to take him. she is doing it to be spiteful to me
Lostpoet · M
@DeluxedEdition Why would she say that and she has no right to make false allegations towards you. You should drop all contact with them and if the cops came over and talked to your kid or at least looked at him then you have nothing to worry about.
Imsleepy · 31-35
They sound fucking nuts. Sorry you have to deal with that.
Slade · 56-60, M
Ah shit I'm sorry you have this nightmare☹️
Classified · M
How can they be so totally obsessed like that? 😩
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am so sorry you have been dealing with this
Lilnonames · F
I knew a girl went to a woman's shelter they moved her to a different place helped with everything found her a job and a new place to live. She was never harassed again
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Lilnonames this is a great idea
Lilnonames · F
@DeluxedEdition they put out the restraining order as well and will probably find u the right school to help u and your son a Lil more👌

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