Still being harassed
I just want you to see the extent to what I am dealing with they just came to my house at 10pm at night
Same false allegations as last time. A police officer showed up along with the case worker for abuse allegations
My sons grandfather was calling me yesterday telling me he was going to throw me in prison and jail so I went and made that police report I wrote about yesterday
I told them about it and everything was fine. I told the worker that this harassment has been going on since January since I got a restraining order against his father
Same false allegations as last time. A police officer showed up along with the case worker for abuse allegations
My sons grandfather was calling me yesterday telling me he was going to throw me in prison and jail so I went and made that police report I wrote about yesterday
I told them about it and everything was fine. I told the worker that this harassment has been going on since January since I got a restraining order against his father
26-30, F