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Criticize religion?

Criticize Islam or any religion? Why is Islam so afraid of criticism ? No other religion complains or has laws demanding death to anyone who cares to criticize or speak unfavorably ( in their eyes) of their religion. They claim it may weaken their followers resolve and dedication to Allah. The really funny , hypocritical and pathetic part of this is , it doesn't matter if it is true or not.

A religion that is so insecure about the faith of its followers they have written laws, the Sharia , to protect themselves from evil influences and demanding death to any and all who dares to speak out , is not a religion....that's a CULT!

They demand the whole world bow down to these laws. And the really scary part of this , is the world is doing it ! The UN declared it illegal to denigrate any religion and Obama and Hillary jumped right on that band wagon. Even though Islam is the only religion with such demands. Hillary is also a member of CAIR ( council on American Islamic relations) what they stand for and demand goes directly against our First Amendment right of freedom of speech. By doing this they have placed Sharia law above America's law of man.

Don't forget though it is perfectly fine and legal for them to speak openly, and most of their political / religious leaders do, about death and genocide of Infidels and Jews.

Wake up America !! Europe and Canada are facing major issues with this right now and they are even bringing court cases into American courts trying to enforce their ridiculous sharia laws upon Americans.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@666Maggotz I am a perv , never will deny that . But why don't you show my last message to you? Or what initiated my first message to you?

And by your posts , you need more help than me. You need to get over your hate issues because hating everyone will only hold you down.
666Maggotz · F
@goodlil666 “I am a perv let’s discuss business” was your first message. Idk why you sent that, maybe because I used to be a cam girl. Your last message was you essentially answering a post in my DM’s instead of actually writing it on the post, I didn’t think it was relevant.
I already know I have PTSD and if you read my posts like you claim, you would know I’m in therapy.

K y s
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@666Maggotz Looks more to me like you were the one soliciting just didn't want to say it.

Take your own advice , I am perfectly fine with who I am.
666Maggotz · F
@goodlil666 you messaged me first though. The screenshot has the first ever message you sent me. I don’t solicit on SW because I don’t even do that work anymore 💀 I haven’t since 2018. I’m assuming you seen my old posts.
666Maggotz · F
“No other religion” bro never read a history book
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666Maggotz · F
@goodlil666 okay but you’re a guy who tries to solicit S W, so I’m not really taking your opinions seriously. You’re just an sw sleaze bag
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@NativePortlander1970 prove it! I am sure you are highly overestimating those numbers.
@goodlil666 I grew up with an uber religious mother, I have seen the inner workings of the religious, I already showed you two examples that you rejected, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time with you, get lost.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@NativePortlander1970 Like I thought, a bit over estimated. Even if there are 100 million which seriously I doubt . That is still nothing compared to almost 2 billion Muslims using Sharia law as their guide. It's just not.

I am not rejecting them just rejecting the idea that they pose much of a threat to the wests way of life. That's all.

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