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Upcoming Supreme Court Brunson case, freedom's last stand


Time to take a stand, write the Supreme court physical letters regarding the upcoming Brunson case

People must be aware of this upcoming case, our country's future will be determined by it.

Maybe we can all participate in a fast these next few days? We are in literally within a battle, a spiritual battle for the survival of a free America.


[Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano intends to hold a 3-day fast from January 3rd to 5th in support of those who are still detained onJanuary 6related charges. 964 individuals have been charged with crimes, many of them misdemeanors, related toJanuary 6, and 465 pleaded guilty. Hundreds are still languishing in DC-area jails awaiting trial.
In a letter exclusively obtained by Human Events, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, said “I hope that this initiative will find many adherents, in a spirit of true reparation of the innumerable sins and grave betrayals committed.”

“I can only encourage and bless this commendable gesture of penance, to beaccompanied by prayer – above all the Holy Rosary – for the beloved Nation whichI had the privilege of knowing during my officeas Apostolic Nuncio,” he said.
There are defendants “who are awaiting trials who have been incarcerated for 18, 12 months as DOJ delays those trials intentionally to inflict more pain,” Julie Kellyreported. She said that Biden’s DOJ and FBI “are still arresting people every week. You have new defendants, new people who have been arrested and charged just this week, including for misdemeanor offenses. They are closing in on a thousand total defendants, and the DOJ has warned that they are going to look for a thousand more. Here we are almost two years later; they are still rounding up Trump supporters, destroying their lives, throwing them in prison and ruining their families. It’s really tragic.”
Many of these detainees are kept in solitary confinement in their cells in Washington, DC, in a jail many have termed the “gulag.” No matter where detainees are arrested, they are then transported to DC where they will face trial. And the conditions of their confinement are facing scrutiny.
“It doesn’t matter really what prison they’re in — and they’re in prisons across the country in indefinite incarceration — they are targeted,” Kelly said, “they are specifically mistreated. They’re kept away from their families. They’re kept away from their defense attorneys, which, of course, is a constitutional violation on top of the few other constitutional Bill of Rights violations. So I’ll tell you, I just get inundated with stories and it’s almost impossible to cover because there’s so much happening. And then, of course, you have people who are then convicted or take plea deals hoping that the torment will end, and they’re sentenced to years in prison on nonviolent felonies like obstruction of an official proceeding.”
Vigano’s call for fasting came in a letter to attorney Joseph McBride, who defends many defendants on Jan 6 charges, and has committed to a 3-day fast to bring attention to the detainees’ plight. “My job as an American Catholic Civil Rights Attorney is to defend the persecuted Christ every January Sixer in the most devoted and intelligent way possible,” McBride said.
“Archbishop Vigano’s example of outspoken leadership and piety has deeply influenced my personal life and professional work. As such, I could think of no better person to contact for support during this crucial time,” he said.

“We have been persecuted, cancelled, and prevented from coalescing as a community of believers and patriots. In 2023, all of that changes. This period of fasting and prayer will be the beginning of our fight back in this truly spiritual war,” Ali Alexander, who worked with McBride on the initiative to connect him with Vigano, and earlier this year was called to testify before the January 6 Committee, told Human Events.

That committee had stated their intention to subpoena former President Trump, but in recent dayswithdrew that subpoena, and noted that their investigation was coming to an end. For many January 6 defendants, they are nowhere near the end of their ordeal, and they are already at risk of being forgotten.]


Will we wait for them to come for us? How many more people must be persecuted and incarcerated for just expressing their views and standing by their conservative values? When will this fake rogue leftist communist regime start rounding up everybody else who dares to disagree with their demonic policies and who dares to expose all of their corruption?

We are at an inflection point in history, this is the last chance to take a stand for our country. How many people today even take the time to think of these people who are unjustly being held in jail for two years now? This permanent tyranny will soon be unstoppable, it may already be.

The lateness of the hour is here, people either stand up for what the brave men and women died for in the past or literally become slaves. We all exist within prisons with invisible bars, will we wait for these bars to become real bars? Does it really matter at this point? If we don't have freedom of speech, the free flow of information and the right to question our government, we literally are nothing but slaves.

How much more injustice and evil will good men and women tolerate before we reach the point of no return? The lateness of the hour can not be overstated. This next year will either bury this country forever within a communist technocratic police state or start the march back to freedom.

The outcome regarding our nation's future remains within each individual person's soul and conscience, and whether the people take the necessary action to stop this growing tyranny. The actions of the people who are aware in the next few months will determine the fate of future generations, we must all choose wisely, for what is at stake is literally our way of life and the survival of our country.


Last Failsafe to Fix 2020 Election at Supreme Court – Brunson v. Adams

[Loy Brunson and his three brothers have a case before the Supreme Court right now that could be both groundbreaking and earth shaking. Many on both sides of the aisle think the case is frivolous and meritless, but the Brunson brothers disagree. Their case is 22-380 and titled Brunson v. Alma S. Adams. The case centers around the 2020 Election and charges by 100 members of Congress who wanted to investigate fraud provided for in the Constitution. By voting not to investigate, members of Congress broke their oath, according to the Brunson Supreme Court case. That’s the legal action in a nutshell. Brunson says his case has national security implications because enemies of the United States, both foreign and domestic, are in the process of destroying the country and the U.S. Constitution as a result of the 2020 Election. Is this way of thinking over the top? Brunson says, “No, it is not over the top, and I think the Supreme Court judges are probably aware of how urgent this is and that we are at a tipping point. This is like the last failsafe at the U.S. Supreme Court with this case. The timing is unbelievable that we have been able to bring it and have it at this time. So, it’s a do or die. We have had conversations with many people, and they say they have given up hope until they saw this case. . . . The bottom line is the court has the power to do it. . . . It could be a 9 to 0 vote because it is not political . . . The justices could defend this by saying this has nothing to do with partisan politics. It has everything to do with taking our oaths seriously and the Constitution seriously.”
If Brunson wins, he’s asking the court for the cancellation of credentials of 387 House members and Senators, and this includes the President and his VP because oaths were broken by NOT investigating election fraud. By the way, DNI John Ratcliffe had a report out 11 days after the vote to NOT investigate on January 6, 2021. His report showed China DID interfere with our 2020 Election. All 17 intelligence agencies under DNI Ratcliffe agreed this happened.
Brunson says, “Both parties are going to lose temporarily, and there will be some vacancies, but they will be filled pretty quickly. Both parties are going to be suffering from this . . . but it’s a good thing. It’s going to be preparing the groundwork for much more honest representatives, and both parties should appreciate this. . . . people I talk to, when asked what is the thing you want most in a representative, and they say honesty. We want honesty, and what’s more honest than stripping their immunity and make them binding to the Constitution?”
If you think this case does not have a chance to be won, Brunson points out, “Think about Roe v. Wade and the decisions they made regarding that. What could the President do? What could the Executive branch do? What could the Legislative branch do to oppose that? They could not do a thing. The Supreme Court is it. It is the Supreme Court of the land, and it is representing “We the People.” “We the People,” which is who we represent, only have power if we bring the case to them. This is the last failsafe with the people petitioning right straight to the Supreme Court to fix this horrible mess that we are in, and the Justices have the power to fix it. I hope and pray the Justices have the support necessary to execute this in a smooth, judicious way.
There is much more in the 44-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Loy Brunson, who, along with his three brothers, is bringing the monumental case to the Supreme Court that is Brunson v. Alma S. Adams 22-380.]


“These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

-Thomas Paine-
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice." -Montesquieu-

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." -C.S. Lewis-

“The Communists’ chief purpose is to destroy every form of independence—independent work, independent action, independent property, independent thought, an independent mind, or an independent man. Conformity, alikeness, servility, submission and obedience are necessary to establish a Communist slave-state.” -Ayn Rand-

My favorite new quotes:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

-Winston S. Churchill-

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”

-Michael Ellner-

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