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Guns or abortion

Poll - Total Votes: 5
I'm fine with outlawing guns if it also outlaws abortion
I want to keep guns legal even if it means abortion is also legal
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I saw this question and thought it was interesting. Imagine that the Republicans propose a law that would make all abortion illegal. Several Democrats are willing to sign on if the law also includes a total ban on private gun ownership. Assume there's enough support in the state legislatures to repeal the Second Amendment if this passes. But if the bill doesn't pass, guns will remain legal and a different law will kick in requiring abortion on demand to be legal across the country.

I'm just curious if anti-abortion conservatives would be willing to give up their guns if it meant stopping abortion.
They’re hypocrites, and ending abortion has nothing to do with any concern for children, since they’re not including funding for prenatal care, or the care of these children whom they’re demanding be born. It’s just about controlling girl’ls and women’s sexuality. And the fact that they push back on any serious gun control even in the face of school shootings is further proof they value guns more than even children who were loved and wanted by their parents.
@Bodymindsoul It would mean abortion was legal, which is fine. Because what most of us support is choice. Even those of us who would never have an abortion ourselves get that we can’t decide for other women.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard Excellent answer. The compromise given is obviously from a conservative Republican perspective and designed to produce an unfavorable outcome no matter which way it goes.
@Bodymindsoul And if all the gun fetishists were shot, we wouldn't be having this discussion either.

You should change your name to just "body" since you obviously don't have a "mind" or a "soul."
justanothername · 51-55, M
There needs to be another option to outlaw guns and legalize abortion.

Stoping both or allowing both is like a double negative, it doesn’t solve anything.

While abortion is not everyone’s ideal outcome to a pregnancy, some pregnancies do need to be aborted and ALL women deserve the right to choose.

Also ending the life of a foetus is no where near as destructive as opening fire on a crowd of innocent people with a semi automatic rifle, regardless of whether that person is a licensed gun owner or not.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom my question would be why is forcing someone to make a choice that they don’t want a “good thing”?
@justanothername It’s not good or bad. I’m just interested in peoples’ priorities. If you can’t answer because both options are equally shitty, that’s fine.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom Yes that pretty much sums it up. It also shows you how peoples opinions get out of wack when given bad choices.
BlueVeins · 22-25
idk but anyone who supports this should be shot into the Sun
@BlueVeins Supports which option?
BlueVeins · 22-25
@LeopoldBloom I meant just the bill as a whole. But both opinions are pretty cringe imo (though not equally so).
Diaermatty · 56-60, M
As far as abortion goes if want abort child do so but if born must be adopted or kept cared for by one parent or the other but both should agree on if go abort or not unless was a rape
@Diaermatty What if neither parent wants the kid?
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Diaermatty Those are ideal situations that don’t always happen. Also known as real life.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Since we’re imagining, why don’t we just arm our women to fight for their freedom, the right to choose? 🤔😉
🚵🤣Pointless talking to people when all they really want is to take away guns which don't kill but give a the right to kill by abortion you all just go on with your decussion if you like ...WE THE PEOPLE WILL SPEAK LOUDER AND WILL NOT GIVE OUR GUNS UP FOR ANYBODY ...
@Bodymindsoul Got it. You’re fine with abortion if that’s the only way to keep your guns.
Dino11 · M
What does one have to do with the other?
Let the people voice their opinions on one or the other.
@Dino11 It’s a hypothetical question. Would you support outlawing abortion if it also outlawed guns?
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@MarmeeMarch The question would also be for pro choice anti gun liberals.
They would never agree to this. How will they gun down the kids in schools without them?
@Spunkylama broad statement there are you saying abortion is ok clarify ??
@Bodymindsoul Conservatives are fine with abortion as long as the aborted kids are in school.
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Diaermatty · 56-60, M
@LeopoldBloom and either way I'm keeping my gun come try to take it away from me
@Diaermatty I’m asking if the only way you could own guns was if abortion was legal. I guess your answer is yes.
Diaermatty · 56-60, M
It the person not the gun
What does abortion have to do with guns ? People need to get fixed if they don't want kids guns on the other hand don't kill its the angry heart of a killer that kills
@Bodymindsoul It’s a hypothetical question.
Only a fool will give up guns not doing that! Obortion is murder unless it's like the mornin after pill then there is no heart beat keep the guns and get yourself fixed if you don't want kids ...
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@MarmeeMarch Why ask them when you’re here?
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@MarmeeMarch Again, I’m asking a hypothetical question. The question assumes that the Constitution would be amended to allow either outcome.

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