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I Think the Ignorance About Mental Health Issues Must End

Unfortunately, it was a busy weekend here in Central Florida. And everywhere you turn: "It's about guns!" "It's about god!"...but, personally, I think it is more about mental illness or just the fact that mental health just is not a priority in the United States.
The day before the mass shooting at Pulse, Kevin James Loibl drove 100 miles from St. Petersburg, Florida to Orlando, Florida to murder Christina Grimmie while she signed autographs after her concert.

As of yet, law enforcement has no idea why he did this.
And while I agree that having guns that are capable of rapidly firing multiple rounds makes it easier for someone who has, for whatever reason, decided that they were going to kill someone today, in the end, lack of such a weapon would not change their mind.
Isis is big on social media and uses it to recruit disgruntled people from around the globe. Typically in the 20-30 age range. At some point, for whatever reason, these individuals have come to the conclusion that joining with Isis is the thing that they should do, and I think that that is more where efforts should be focused. What is going on that so many people in so many countries turn to this?
This is just my opinion, of course. Everyone is entitled to their own.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Myzery · 41-45, F
Thank you.

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