FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
lighten up guys....its a simple curiousity question. are you seriously so bothered by the word heaven that you react like that? and its not just about "dead people" its about a serious world issue that is infiltrating our country and whether we like it or not, will be affecting all of us very soon. say what you will but its not about a religion issue right now....its about a PEOPLE issue

No, they are just dead. Same as everyone else.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
that is between them and God.....i am not qualified or able to guess where their eternity will be spent.....i have some thoughts but they are better left unsaid because i am not the judge and jury of their souls

Funny that Santa Claus was mentioned... That's two fictitious old men with big white beards in the thread now... lol
xCorvo · 26-30, M
My name is Corvo lol, but a true Christians knows he or she does not judge others for how they live their life. It's between them and God.
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Theo182 · 36-40, M
@Corvu, the demographic of victims in mass shootings has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making.
xCorvo · 26-30, M
Theo182, if you're going to hate an entire group of people because of the few who claim to be, yet aren't, then that's your choice. I don't understand why atheists choose to fight so often with religious people. If you are a liberal, shouldn't you let people live how they choose without the constant hate? Obviously not ALL religious people do the things you're saying, but those things give you an excuse to hate them all. I don't believe in oppressing gay people, just like I don't believe in oppressing anyone or anything. And you're now calling all religious people uneducated. Let go of the hate. Atheists cannot disprove God in the same way that religious people cannot prove him. It's a battle with no winner. I'm going to leave this thread now, because I have nothing more to say. Have a good day.
Theo182 · 36-40, M
@Corvo, you are evidently confused. I don't hate you, nor hate people for that matter. I hate religion, and the belief structure and what it can make people do. Just because I dislike religion doesn't mean I dislike the people who fall under the umbrella of religion. Stop being a martyr.
And you mistake hate with passion for logic, reason and rationality and a fierce defence of people whom we see religion oppress. It makes me laugh when rteligious people use the hate and rage argument. You've had it your way for 2 thousand years and now just because people are starting to fight and stand up for themselves, you profess to be hated and raged upon. No, you just don't like the arguments we bring to the table.
It's also become a common tactic for them to misquote in order to defame or debunk the other side's words. I called the few men who wrote the bible 'comparibly uneducated', and he changed it to 'all religious people are uneducated'? I mean, really?
And just because something can't be disproved doesn't mean it is wholly improbably or the very idea of it ludicrous. And you WOULD say God exists even without proof, you wouldn't dare do otherwise. That would be a form of blasphemy.
And I agree, I think it best we leave this.
And you mistake hate with passion for logic, reason and rationality and a fierce defence of people whom we see religion oppress. It makes me laugh when rteligious people use the hate and rage argument. You've had it your way for 2 thousand years and now just because people are starting to fight and stand up for themselves, you profess to be hated and raged upon. No, you just don't like the arguments we bring to the table.
It's also become a common tactic for them to misquote in order to defame or debunk the other side's words. I called the few men who wrote the bible 'comparibly uneducated', and he changed it to 'all religious people are uneducated'? I mean, really?
And just because something can't be disproved doesn't mean it is wholly improbably or the very idea of it ludicrous. And you WOULD say God exists even without proof, you wouldn't dare do otherwise. That would be a form of blasphemy.
And I agree, I think it best we leave this.
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Theo182 · 36-40, M
This sort of question is exactly the kind of thing that makes me hate religion even more.
MeTooxMaxPain · 46-50, M
What are you asking exactly?
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
the ONLY comment i will make on this Theo.....what about the bogotry and bias and assumptions and discriminatory that youre being aabout a group you know nothing about? you expect me as a christian to tolerate your beliefs and thoughts and not rebuke them. but in return when anything is said about god or heaven or the bible you jump on the atheist bandwagon and attack. I humbly sufggest that you consider this. instead of saying oh my god .....say oh my santa claus......instead of saying the word hell......say colder then the north pole...warmer then the equator.....i disagree with your beliefs or whatever.....but i also ask you to respect mine
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xCorvo · 26-30, M
And Christians do not believe in killing anyone...Have you ever read the bible?
xCorvo · 26-30, M
It's sad when atheists jump on this just to fight with religious people. It has nothing to do with people's beliefs. BATOVN, you're right.
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xCorvo · 26-30, M
I am not spreading rumors. ...Why do you continue to respond to me? I am done talking about this
xCorvo · 26-30, M
Theo182, I didn't even have to look at your profile to know you're from Britain. I've heard the same argument over and over. No one should be oppressed, I don't care if religious people had it good as you claim for many years. NO ONE SHOULD BE. Good day.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
just because i disagree with someone DOESNT MEAN I HATE THEM!!!
Theo182 · 36-40, M
And there we go. Thank you, dear man. You have just won my argument for me :)
xCorvo · 26-30, M
@Theo182 You do realize religious people are targets in mass shootings as well right?
Theo182 · 36-40, M
@CorvO, I do apologise!
But back to my point; do you not see how the mere 'curiosity of the question' or suggestion is an example still of how intolerant and sexually obsessed and repressed the church in general is?
It all just plays in to the fact that LGBT people are still fighting against bigotry, oppression and just plain meanness, and I for one will fight that and speak up against it.
But back to my point; do you not see how the mere 'curiosity of the question' or suggestion is an example still of how intolerant and sexually obsessed and repressed the church in general is?
It all just plays in to the fact that LGBT people are still fighting against bigotry, oppression and just plain meanness, and I for one will fight that and speak up against it.
Theo182 · 36-40, M
@BATOVN, as you have stated that you will only comment once, then I think it only fair and respectful I don't reply to your comment, although I'd like to throw some rebuttles at it. But I respect you don't want to get into a debate. So be it.
@Corvo, why are you so caught up on christians killing? I have never suggested christians kill people, that is no the point I am making. The point I am making is, the question of 'are gay people in hell' is really offensive and sad in this day and age.
@Corvo, why are you so caught up on christians killing? I have never suggested christians kill people, that is no the point I am making. The point I am making is, the question of 'are gay people in hell' is really offensive and sad in this day and age.
xCorvo · 26-30, M
Theo182, you claimed to hate all religions. I am saying that a true Christian should NEVER say that. A true Christian realizes they are not the judge of ANYONE. I apologize because I did get this thread mixed up with one on the same subject discussing Christians as the culprit.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
thats seriously the best argument you have? im called to be a fool for Christ and if thats how you see blessed and im glad that ive made you see that i stand for what i believe. and by the way. Jesus overturned the tables at the temple because of the fact they were using the temple for dealing crookedly with the people and robbing them... Jesus says righteous indignation is fine.....but anger is not acceptable. im not angry, im just a bit confused why youre so worried about punctuation and capital letters.....are you and english teacher?

I believe he is a bit more than caught... He was killed
xCorvo · 26-30, M
I think ISIS people are very bad people, and that group is to blame. Not every person that believes in Christ. it's insulting to be compared to ISIS in any way. Anyways, I'm officially leaving this thread.
Theo182 · 36-40, M
@Corvo, I do hate all religions for the fact that, and this answers a point from BATOVN, it's hard to respect beliefs written by comparibly uneducated men from 2000 years ago, that still to this day, have absolutely no evidence to back up their divinity and continue to oppress, beleaguer and harm people. I just can't. And if you think the church doesn't harm people, just take a look at what is happening in Africa with the ongoing AIDS epidemic and the church's stance on condoms and the like.
xCorvo · 26-30, M
If someone says they do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle, that does not automatically mean they will kill someone that is homosexual, so I don't really understand how the two correlate.
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
God hates Florida!!!! God did it to protect his people.
xCorvo · 26-30, M
Theo182, Disagreeing with homosexuality is not the same as believing it's justified to murder them. Disagreeing with homosexuality doesn't mean a person is saying you're going to hell either. Not all religions cause violence. I believe violence is the result of a mentally unwell person, not a religious one.
Theo182 · 36-40, M
@Corvu, it's also sad and shameful when religious people (assuming the OP is religious as she implies a belief in heaven and hell) imply gay people are in hell for sexual choices they had no control over, any more than you had any control over yours.
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And here we go. Lets bring up more dead people.
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ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Do Floridians have souls?
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Do Floridians have souls?