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Today In America

This morning a man tried to enter a Church in Buffalo with a gun (not sure details on this)
Same Buffalo as yesterday.

In the last hour:

Mass shooting CA at a church

Mass shooting Texas Flea Market.
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Sadly, this is every day in America.

There were 693 mass shootings in the US in 2021. This year, there have already been 198 mass shootings. That averages out to about ten such attacks per week.

It still shocks when it happens, but I doubt if it surprises anyone now.
Suddenly?!? Who tf is controlling these pricks? 😦🤔
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JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@LvChris We can only blame so much on them...they have definitely put fuel on the fire...but These people have been this way all along. Now they just have permission and a support group. Its like their long held fantasy.
I was just having a heated argument over this yesterday…I mean the RW’ers want everyone to have guns so that they can protect themselves!!! What logic!! When I mentioned bout case studies where other countries have banned guns, and their gun shootings have dropped below 1%, they were like don’t compare..like wtf! @LvChris @JaggedLittlePill
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Apparently all the good guys with guns were on vacation today, so there was no way to prevent the bloodshed.
Crusher69 · 61-69, M
Very sad hearing about it here in NZ - and so difficult to comprehend...
Just another day here.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It’s so awful

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