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I Hate Mass Shootings

People actually love mass shootings, they've become such a big part of society as we know it today. Whenever a shooting happens, people are all over it with the media coverage surrounding it. The ratings don't lie; mass shootings are just all the rage whenever one happens. Plus, they're a great thing to virtue signal with on social media by pretending to care and showing off to your friends how caring and compassionate you are. They're also a hot topic for debates on how to prevent them from happening (like anyone really wants that) and we all know how much people love their debates. Indeed, people just have total hard-ons for mass shootings. No one will ever admit it, of course. But that's the truth, whether anyone's willing to admit to it or not.
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Interesting perspective. When I read the first sentence, I thought...HUH?? NO! But you are correct that society has something of a morbid fascination with these horrific events. As the saying in the news goes..."if it bleeds, it leads." That just gets the ball rolling.
That's complete horseshit.

The media reports mass shootings because it's worth reporting on, not only for selfish benefit of sales and views but because that's what the media's job entails.

Would you not debate something like that if it happened? People obviously want to understand it so they can stop it from happening where they can. Can't let cynicism colour your world view to that extent though i myself am guilty of that.

Yes there are people who will seek to profit from these events and serve their own sense of ego but that's only looking at the negative events and willfully ignoring the reality of it. I'm sure parents don't love mass shootings as well as myself.
Yes the media are serpents and hire some of the most deplorable people imaginable, not caring for the lives of those they slander or bully.
(just the truth)

The statement that people love mass shootings though is ill founded as it is stupid, i see what you're saying but it's looking at it through a narrow lens.
@Renikari Lol my so called "delusions" are backed up by points and neutral observation of both sides, not just some cynical rant like the one you put forward. I agreed with some of the points you made if you actually read what i said so you yourself are calling yourself deluded.

Well maybe they should, i don't break down into tears when i hear about them but it still bothers me. Don't cast your cyinicsm on the rest of the world just because you don't give a fuck. Yet you give a fuck about the aftermath for some reason.
Renikari · F
@Gh0s1 Lol. Nothing gets pass you, I see. And I have more of my own problems to worry about than pretending to care about people I don't even know and events that don't directly concern me. But you and everyone else have a blast with them like we both know you do every time.
@Renikari Haha you don't even know me, this is the only interaction we've ever had so that statement is baseless.
I don't talk about it to other people nor really remember them until people like yourself bring them up, only when i hear blanket statements like these that just don't look at the whole perspective.
"You and everyone else" another ridiculous blanket statement that suits your personal narrative but it entirely presumptious.

Take an SSRI and fuck off or stop complaining about everyone else about something you apparently don't care about anyway.
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
There’s a lot of things like that, people claim to hate them but they just love having something to get fired up about.
go to
Lostpoet · M
I never understood mass shootings. One bullet, one bang, and you all disappear just the same.
Renikari · F
@Lostpoet Was that meant to rhyme?
Lostpoet · M
@Renikari No, It was meant to express
my point of view. I don't know why somebody would go out and shoot a bunch of people if they are going to die anyway. (Die and let live.)
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Only the sadistic ones and media. I for one do not. I hate them. I wish they didnt exist. It just turns our society into an oversaturated police state. And it is dangerous because you never know where it will happen next. So no. No more mass shootings. 🙂

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