I think honestly my disillussonment regarding the first amendment began a long time ago.
This might not be the most popular topic I've ever deigned to write about, but I remember at one point I was competing to gain the internship at Free geek and went out there on the Trains in order to grab some Experience in the Tech space volunteering for a major Tech organization in the city, only problem being its closest branch is clean on the other side of town along with a bunch of other resources useful to me.
So my uncooperative Family refused to take me out there and left me having to take the Bus,
So I did, but as I got downtown and had to Switch buses I found myself in between them and a Street preacher was there basically insulting everyone kicking up a huge storm harassing them and telling them they're all going to hell etc. and essentially hate preaching and we, the crowd that were the Captive Audience that night had to counter him, but that was the moment standing there in the street being harassed by a Street preacher who didn't have anything better to do with his life that I realized if I had complained to the Portland police I would be told that he was operating well within the constraints of the First amendment which just left me thinking maybe if the First amendment amounts to an Entitlement to Harass Captive Audiences that resent being preached to that the constraints the United States places on Free speech are way too liberal. Particularly as we openly tolerate a news network that actively continues to commit journalistic malpractice and lie to the nation in the form of Fox News
The whole problem with the United States and the First amendment is it has made us TOO free, in fact to say and do whatever the fuck we want.
Not so unreasonable to think the First amendment for example should not allow a "News" outlet to lie to the public.
I think the First amendment need to be rewritten with fundamentally more reasonable constraints, Where was my freedom that night against being bullied and harassed? Where was ours?
I'm told trying to get Fox News off the air would violate the first amendment, but that's just it, The First amendment as it's written currently is archaic outdated and not fit for the modern world, it should be rewritten in a new form that allows for reasonable Constraints on speech including disallowing hate speech and also barring networks that too frequently lie to the public from broadcasting at all, regardless of what technology they use to do it.
Our constitution as it is now Badly outdated and needs to be modernized, desperately.
So my uncooperative Family refused to take me out there and left me having to take the Bus,
So I did, but as I got downtown and had to Switch buses I found myself in between them and a Street preacher was there basically insulting everyone kicking up a huge storm harassing them and telling them they're all going to hell etc. and essentially hate preaching and we, the crowd that were the Captive Audience that night had to counter him, but that was the moment standing there in the street being harassed by a Street preacher who didn't have anything better to do with his life that I realized if I had complained to the Portland police I would be told that he was operating well within the constraints of the First amendment which just left me thinking maybe if the First amendment amounts to an Entitlement to Harass Captive Audiences that resent being preached to that the constraints the United States places on Free speech are way too liberal. Particularly as we openly tolerate a news network that actively continues to commit journalistic malpractice and lie to the nation in the form of Fox News
The whole problem with the United States and the First amendment is it has made us TOO free, in fact to say and do whatever the fuck we want.
Not so unreasonable to think the First amendment for example should not allow a "News" outlet to lie to the public.
I think the First amendment need to be rewritten with fundamentally more reasonable constraints, Where was my freedom that night against being bullied and harassed? Where was ours?
I'm told trying to get Fox News off the air would violate the first amendment, but that's just it, The First amendment as it's written currently is archaic outdated and not fit for the modern world, it should be rewritten in a new form that allows for reasonable Constraints on speech including disallowing hate speech and also barring networks that too frequently lie to the public from broadcasting at all, regardless of what technology they use to do it.
Our constitution as it is now Badly outdated and needs to be modernized, desperately.