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What was free speech like in East Germany before 1990?

Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The Stasi were the East German secret police. They were famously paranoid and draconian even by the standards of Eastern Block countries.

There is a movie made about this called The Lives of Others. I thoroughly recommend it.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Not much different from what free speech was like in Nazi Germany.

Their marching parades weren't much different either.

Spoken I've heard
Northwest · M
Free speech in East Germany prior to 1990?

Incidentally, Putin was a KGB officer assigned to East Berlin when the wall came down. His biggest move, prior to fleeing, was to load up all the kitchen/home appliances, and ship them to his house in Russia.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
My uncle, a WWII vet went to visit Germany in the late 80s, He was amazed that in west Berlin people were laughing and smiling but when he went to the other side of the wall all smiling and laughing stopped.
@Thinkerbell You gotta admit, that sounds pretty badass. Too bad you can't get over the imagery, since ideologically speaking, you're pretty similar to the Tankies.

I'll stick with this for when it's time to march.

Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

When it's time to march, Boo-Boo, you'll be hiding under your sugar daddy's bed. 😂😂😂
@Thinkerbell Lies, I'll be getting a piggy back ride as he marches.

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