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Pretzel · 61-69, M
we don't spend nearly enough money on mental health - and the kid needed to be locked away for deciding murder was the way to go BUT I hope she got plenty of counseling and support while she was locked away
for her sake - and for the sake of the society she lives in.
for her sake - and for the sake of the society she lives in.
@Pretzel she went to doctors and they went along with it. There wasn't even any cause to test her. it was completely insane. I understand exactly how she felt and i don't blame her. The system failed her completely and she was being completely abuse by her mother and the first time her mother brought her to a doctor, the authorities should have been called.
In u.s. there are two sets of laws one for men one for women and children can shoot teachers and it's no crime at all. Crazy
@SW-User well, that probably happened because everyone abuses their children here and nothing is done about that. Children die here every minute and almost every time when it is at the hand of a caretaker...mother father baby sitter...there is always a file on them from previous injuries or strange illnesses...THE authorities ACTUALLY PRETEND THAT IT WILL GET BETTER. 99% of the doesn't get better!