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If guns are supposed to keep you safe...

Why is the number one cause of death among children in America now GUN CRIME?
Why do more than 90% of all homicides among children aged 9-14 now take place in AMERICA?

That is all
jimjim1969 · M
It's a sick country
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That's not the gun's fault, though... and, nor is it the child's fault.

The only thing that you can blame in this scenario is irresponsible gum owners, who don't care to ensure that their guns are always out of reach of children.

Cars will also keep you safe as a passenger, too, but not if you "forget" and leave your baby locked inside for eight hours while you are working.
@HootyTheNightOwl Background checks would still drastically reduce the chance of horrific incidents like this happening so frequently. That's all I will say.
@SW-User Idiots still take their guns to Disney on the weekend... wouldn't take anyone very long to go raid the car park on any given day and get hold of a gun or two if they really wanted one.

All you have to do is sit out there and watch to see which cars will have guns in them.

Places like Disney could be better off allowing guns in and confiscating them to be held in a secure location, then handed back to the owner at the end of the trip.
@HootyTheNightOwl Well I disagree. Places like Disney will be better off if no one brought their guns to Disneyland because they were not legally allowed to own one, like the vast majority of places in the world.
I would honestly like to know why Americans want to own guns.. perhaps you can tell me.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
actually, the number one cause of death among children is abortion. Of course, those lives don't matter to you so it's okay to simply discard them like garbage...
Budwick · 70-79, M
Does it fall outside your political narrative to mention that those deaths are primarily suicide?
It doesn't make them any less dead, but it's a little different than one person shooting another, isn't it?
@Budwick Welp, Trump didn't give a shit about gun control, that's for sure.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User He was a supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
But, you digress.
@Budwick He was a supporter of the second amendment, I think all Americans are, but he had no interest in tightening gun laws. Never mind, though, lets leave it at that.
Northwest · M
Because 2nd amendment, and deer training to invade redneck population centers.
@Northwest This 2nd amendment shit! I wonder if people care as much about other amendments :(
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Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
keep you safe? No, not in any real verifiable way. For conservatives.
So we can fear them.

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