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PROSECUTORS WALK OUT—Refuse to Bury Adams Bribery Case!

Will this become the SATURDAY NIGHT MASSACRE FOR 47?

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Hagan Scotten—the lead prosecutor for the Adams case has also resigned.

"Mr. Scotten served three combat tours in Iraq as a U.S. Army Special Forces Officer and earned two Bronze Stars. He graduated from Harvard Law School and clerked for Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. of the U.S. Supreme Court, and for Brett M. Kavanaugh before he, too, became a Supreme Court justice."

This case is more than just accepting a bribe—Adams is also being investigated for tampering with evidence & other possible charges.
She's got a hell of a lawsuit and this is really horrific, but I'm not sold that, even after public outcry, this will make a difference to Republicans in Congress.
@KunsanVeteran Interesting. I haven't seen any news today yet.
@MistyCee It’s a very politically charged situation. I cannot imagine the DOJ acting in so blatantly criminal way. What’s more, this would allow tRUMP to be able to blackmail Adams at will.

Governor Hochal is also involved in trying to extradite a physician from Texas who was sentenced for prescribing Mifepristone.

There is sure to be more to follow for both story lines.
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ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
This should be the beel weather case to expose rot in the trumpy admin. Trump will use the pardon power to get his criminal cohorts off the hook everytime they do his criminally charged orders.
@ilikeitlikethat23 This one is actually much more effective than pardoning someone for a favor. By dismissing without prejudice, Trump has leverage to ensure that Adams continues to obey.

Trump's playing with big boy tools now.
@MistyCee That’s exactly right. tRUMP could play him the entire time he’s mayor then bring back the charges. Clearly he wanted to “own” Adams.

And Adams fell for it.

That’s why Hochal needs to fire Adams and appoint a new interim mayor—hopefully one who will stand up to tRUMP and not cooperate regarding the jails.
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@SW-User Ha, ha, ha! Obviously you know nothing about this case! Better do you research before you make even more ignorant statements that high light tRUMP’s personal involvement in this fiasco and his disregard for the rule of law. What’s more, the case isn’t about to be dismissed and even if it is that will just solidify the illegal orders & actions of tRUMP!

ROTFLMAO at you!

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