Is there typically censorship?Surrounding the Israel Palestine thing? Why would anyone try to censor the news that's pro Palestine?
If you don't like war, are you really pro Putin? Is there a new problem with censorship?Do you know what I mean or are you drawing a blank?
British comedian cancelled for saying black footballers are bad at shooting penalties. [I Hate Censorship] This is how the western world is now, and we still have the nerve to criticise China.
Fundamentals of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights! [I Am Completely Against Censorship]Article 10 protects your right to hold your own opinions Article 10 protects your right to hold your own opinions and to express them freely without government interference. This includes the right to express your views aloud (for example through... See More » (1)
I Am Strongly Against And Despise CensorshipIs the MeToo movement partly to be thanks for this? This from Wikipedia "Hylas and the Nymphs controversy Hylas and the Nymphs, 1896 In January 2018, Manchester Art Gallery curator Clare... See More »
I Hate Censorshipseriously sw, stop it. ur making it hard on ppl who actually list there real age, and encourage ppl 2 lie about there age so they arent as restricted. its not cool
I Dont Like Eps New CensorshipSeems like the new system of marking posts as adult content is far too sensitive. Just looking at my own posts there's things like "I love my kids" and "I love cuddles" being marked as adult content.