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How can immigrants be considered illegal in a country when a President doesn’t acknowledge the laws that the country us built on?

Surely immigrants can only be considered “illegal” if the government of that country acknowledges and abides by the laws that govern the country?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Because this is about application of raw power not rule of law.
@MistyCee How from the "other" side ? No insurrections, no stacked Supreme Court, the previous president wasn’t a convicted criminal (nor was the VP)…🤨
justanothername · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard I was only talking about the creeping increase of executive authority, e.g., executive actions.
Northwest · M
Not sure this is a legally solid argument.

However, we need unskilled workers, our economy needs them, and they need the work. Congress came up with a bipartisan immigration bill, that's a good start. Trump killed it.
specman · 51-55, M
@Northwest you people are looney! I’m glad the majority of Americans don’t agree with you!
Northwest · M
you people are looney! I’m glad the majority of Americans don’t agree with you!

So exactly what are you disagreeing with:

Not sure this is a legally solid argument.

However, we need unskilled workers, our economy needs them, and they need the work. Congress came up with a bipartisan immigration bill, that's a good start. Trump killed it.
specman · 51-55, M
@Northwest The part that starts with however
I'm not buying it. Its way too close to arguing that somebody else committed a different crime and didn't get prosecuted to justify why you shouldn't be held accountable for your own crime.

That shouldn't have worked for Trump AND it shouldn't work for "illegal immigrants."

The fact that POTUS is a criminal doesn't nullify laws passed by Congress.
@justanothername Oooh, that I get. And I also get how, sometimes, the goose and gander, if he hit first, I should be able to hit too thing works on a gut level.

This whole thing, btw, @PicturesOfABetterTomorrow, gets more complicated when you're talking about resisting illegitimate authority.
specman · 51-55, M
@justanothername what law did Trump break? He was unjustly condemned by corrupt democrats for political reasons! Democrats despise him! Just as a example look how fema treated Trump supporters
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A good question. If the people really cared about legality, they would hardly have elected a convicted criminal as president.
@Mesthartiya Obama was born in the U.S. to an American mother (who could trace her lineage back to Colonial times). Didn’t stop Trump or the birthers.
@Mesthartiya Btw, birthright citizenship was denied to Native Americans (even where they were judged by U.S. laws) until 1925. And Trump did talk about revoking automatic birthright citizenship in this country. Interesting, from a man whose own mother, as well as the mothers of most of his children, were all immigrants.
But I’m reasonably sure Trump wouldn’t revoke it for the children of white immigrants. 😳
Colormegone · 70-79, M
The economic system is killing the ecosystem with the help of NATO. The population is dying younger and living homeless more and more. The privatized housing, medical care and education are sad and the government responsibility to function is not something people voted for.
People voted for war and poverty and ecocide again and don't seem to be likely to change.
You can blame immigrants and never address the reality
It's how Americans choose to be.
Melania is illegal. Came in as a on a tourist visa, worked as a model.
@Pitchblue Maybe but that is actually not uncommon in modeling. Because of the costs associated with it if you get a work visa you can actually do paid jobs and actually end up in the hole if you do it the "right" way.

So it is not exactly legal but I don't know any professional that would want to work and come back home in the red. Makes the entire thing pointless and actually discourages certain kinds of work entirely.
specman · 51-55, M
@Pitchblue The democrats would have had her deported if she wasn’t over here legally
I do not mind if people SHELTER themselves, but I just want them to do it LEGALLY...
No point in asking Americans nicely for housing! They're practicing on strangers- and starting in on us homeless with utter glee!
Remember - USA is the Greatest country ever,!
specman · 51-55, M
They enter illegally or let in like Biden was doing ( which is a threat to the American citizens and a unfair burden on taxpayers and when they are given benefits that could be used for American citizens who need them and a National Security threat.
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justanothername · 51-55, M
@jshm2 I doubt it.
specman · 51-55, M
@jshm2 you mean illegal alien!

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