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Jan 6 convict serves 60 days in prison, goes to hearing expecting probation to be lifted, gets big surprise!

James Little served 60 days in prison for his role in the January insurrection. He was expecting to have his remaining 3 years probation lifted. Here’s what happened:


At first blush I thought “Man…the judge was harsh on him! Especially considering how Trump has skated so far while over 1,000 of his idiot followers have paid real penalties!”

But listen to Little’s behavior. He was contemptuous to the court, he expressed no remorse. And that’s the purpose of probation. He earned another 60 days.

But this is all meaningless until Trump is held accountable for his TREASON, VIOLATIONS OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, AND OTHER CRIMES!
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
If a mob of lefties had successfully stormed the capitol they would have been quickly rounded up and received harsh sentences.

These trump enthusiasts are getting off light.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Crazywaterspring Exactly! Especially Diaper Donnie.
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
Clearly 60 days wasn't anywhere near long enough. 6 years might, possibly, begin to be sufficient
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