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Immunity for all

Every criminal in the USA should consider claiming immunity from the crime they have been convicted of. Rapists, murderers, bank robbers, business people who have committed insider trading, child molesters, teenagers who commit mass shootings in schools, drunk drivers who kill….

But that’s crazy that’s stupid. They have committed terrible crimes. They are guilty. In the eyes of the law.


Donny has done exactly the sane thing yet he’s got scotus bending over backwards to let his orange ass off the hook. So if those gutless scotus representatives can do it for Donny then why can’t they do it for the rest of the criminal fraternity?
Is it because they are gutless hypocrites?
Umile · 41-45, F
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Umile Yes it sounds crazy, and it is and let’s hope it never happens.
Vote Democrat.

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