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Man behind bogus claims of election fraud also likes to tape people in the bathroom

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the two Georgia poll workers who were falsely accused of ballot manipulation, and won a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani as a result, are also suing the Gateway Pundit, a far-right yellow journalism rag that broke the "story." The Gateway Pundit's source was Kevin Moncla, a Florida man who had previously been found guilty of taping guests without their consent while the used his bathroom, and was fined $3.35 million.

The takeaway from this isn't "claims of election fraud are bogus because they originated with a pervert who tapes people in the bathroom," but should be "bogus claims of election fraud originated with a pervert who is an even bigger scumbag than previously thought."
I'm glad to see someone making an effort to rein in Gateway Pundit's wild absurd claims.

Seems Gateway Pundit has declared bankruptcy before the case has begun.

Yeah, Freeman & Moss won a $148 million judgement against Giuliani, who filed for bankruptcy after his loss.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I think frankly the types of people who believe in stuff like that in the first place are like Kevin unfortunately.
Northwest · M
Captain Renault: I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here. Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
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@LeopoldBloom I remember on EP that was certainly the case. Some of the rudest pictures sent to me late at night were from the so-called "family values" fellows. One ultra right wing poster who basically thought Bill Clinton should’ve been lynched for his trysts with Monica, spoke freely about being "shared" (and blocked me when I substituted the word "pimped") by her good Christian husband. 🙄
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@LeopoldBloom Yes. 😞

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