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22-25, F
I am Lauren. I live on a farm in Wales and I am an Art student.
About Me
About Me
My name is Lauren Haf Jones. I live on a farm with my four sisters and my brother and my Mam and Dad. The farm is high up. The top field joins the mountainside.
I am 18, nearly 19, in June. I am in my first year at uni. Well it’s a college. But it’s a degree course. I do Ceramics and Jewellery. I am just getting to the end of my first year.
I still am in school one day a week doing Maths level. My country is wierd like that. You can do what you want but you have to go different places to do it! It’s called learning pathways. 14-19.
I love living on a farm. We have sheep. Mostly. There are very busy times like lambing and shearing. But times when you can just sit in a field and love the silence!
I am a sportswoman. Well girl. I’m not sure if I count as a woman yet! I swim for my club and my district and sometimes for my country. I am always training. My college is on the same campus as the university and they have a pool. And I am always in it!
And I love rounders and netball!
And cooking and music! And get in touch!
Lots of 💕 Lauren x x x