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Watch the spelling, they say

They give you a lot of rules which do not consistently apply.

Cincinnati. Pronounced sin-sin-atty

The first cin has one n and the second has two.

I mentioned this to my brother and he told me I need a hobby.

Maybe so.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Blame the Roman general from ancient times, Cincinnatus.
@DrWatson I think we share at least one hobby.
@Sirsnowman 😀😀
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Mamapolo2016 My hobbies are largely nerdy! So, I decided to pursue this further to try to figure out the story behind the single n and the double n. According to my Latin dictionary, the word for curly hair in Latin is cincinnus. The word cincinnatus is an adjective meaning "having curly hair". (A lot of Roman family names came from a specific trait of an ancestor. )

So why are the n's in cincinnus the way they are? Well, the word comes from a Greek word. The letter "c" is was originally the Greek "chi", and transcribing the other letters into our Roman alphabet, the Greek word for curly hair was cicinnos.

The Romans pronounced the letter c as a hard sound (similar to the Greek chi). I am guessing that ki-kinnus eventually got pronounced kin-kinnus, and so the official spelling became cincinnus. The adjective cincinnatus would follow from that.

Hopefully this amuses @Sirsnowman as well!
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Trivia is cool. Don't let anyone tell you differently. 😎
@Scribbles Thank you!
Bartleby · 51-55, M
Mercedes has 3 ‘e’s … each pronounced differently. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@Bartleby I never noticed that! It's true.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Our daughter spent her first year of college there, and then she transferred to a school in a different state.

Frankly, I was relieved that I no longer had to worry about how to spell the name of that city! 😂
@DrWatson If I am paying, you will find a school in York. Or Dodge.
At times brothers do not realise that they are being exceptionally Rude. Not their fault though.
@sspec He realized. The next text said, "Sorry. Just teasing. I like trivia too."
@Mamapolo2016 I am glad for you that he did. Blessed be the bond.
@sspec Amen. आमीन

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