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I Am Learning Chinese

More than a year ago I started learning Chinese on my own, getting materials here and there from the internet. Knowing I will never master it, and that it will take years until I can see some real progress and use in in an everyday situation. But I don't mind it at all, that's even what I enjoy the most. I like not having any short time deadline, no exams, just learning it for the sake of it, savouring the small joys of being able to remember some character when I see it, or recognizing a couple of words in a conversation.
I love doing something with no definite purpose, or short-term utility.
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"Hard work and consistent effort will never betray you" is one of my personal tenets, applied to every aspect of one's life.

I's kind of unintuitive how learning things at your own pace instead of another's rule seems to yield better outcome and generate more interest, both in terms of personal growth/satisfaction and tangible results.
A thirst for knowledge is a gift, five years ago I started learning Norwegian, I had a friend who lives there and she started teaching me the language. I've always admired Chinese and Japanese lettering.
Cierzo · M
Norwegian, vow, sounds great.
God morgen : good morning 👍
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
When you say your learning Chinese I assume you mean Mandarin. Once you master that try Cantonese - good luck 🙂
Cierzo · M
Maybe when I am 70.
novembermoon · 51-55
I love your learning attitude. You're a great learner. 👍👍👍
Cierzo · M
In days like today that I came home feeling I have been in a battle,it is a need to do something just for myself

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