Seeing as it's Vocaroo day on SW
Vocaroo this... just record and start reading...
Don't be shy if you're not sure how to pronounce certain words - because there are a few word in there that are amongst the most difficult to pronounce.
and don't be nasty about how others may pronounce certain words... this is about having fun and laughter - it's not meant to be taken seriously.
With none but a squirrel as his companion, and armed with only a pair of scissors, and in scorching temperatures, he was unsuccessful in eating anything more than quinoa with a drizzle of worcestershire.
This mischievous Colonel would often utilize his sixth sense, but in this specific rural environment, such a phenomenon would reap no reward.
This mischievous Colonel would often utilize his sixth sense, but in this specific rural environment, such a phenomenon would reap no reward.
Don't be shy if you're not sure how to pronounce certain words - because there are a few word in there that are amongst the most difficult to pronounce.
and don't be nasty about how others may pronounce certain words... this is about having fun and laughter - it's not meant to be taken seriously.