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I need to revisit a post I made yesterday.

Someone posted a question yesterday that I feel the need to revisit. The post was on doing things differently if you had the chance. While my answer to said question was true, I really didn't give my response much thought. Therefore, I am going to expound on it a little further here.

I was attending a church about a decade and a half ago that was having a three day conference. During one of the breaks, I met this young gentleman who said he had taught himself to read one or two other languages, and that really inspired me. For a couple decades prior to this, I had been trying to learn koine greek, but had had little success. Yesterday after reading the post referred to above, I was reminded of that particular occasion. Also, I got to thinking about another gentleman I came across online and remembered him saying that at one point in his life, he could read eight different biblical languages. All of this got me thinking about things yesterday.

Over the years, I have come across several different methods of learning koine greek. I recently came across one particular method here recently that does sho promise. It seems that every other style wants you to learn vocab and grammar at the same time, but this one just focuses on vocab. It also uses the gospel of John as a reference point. The process is rather lengthy to describe here, so I will just leave it at that.

Now, going back to yesterday's post. I simply wish I had known about this method several years ago, that way I could have saved myself a lot of time trying to use methods that in the long run wouldn't pay off

That's what I wish I could do differently.

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