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Arabic can be weird

So today it hit me, some idioms in Arabic can make absolutely no sense LOL

The other day, I was about to provide a presentation to the team, so everyone was around me. Then I received a message and glimpsed at it and I just smiled to my phone..

Later my colleague told me that my smile was very suspicious and obvious; was this "the weather" messaging you? 😏

Yea, the weather!!! It is a slang for "lover" in Arabic 🤣 I think mostly in Egyptian dialect though.. Yet I think other Arabs started using it too (Actually Egyptian dialect is very popular and many Arabs borrow from it when they want to sound funny).. and this word is usually used when you are trying to be a bit funny .. So it is not like you would be in a serious sitting, and be like, the weather is calling me, as in my bf/gf.. Please don't try that. lol

But I've been hearing this word since ever.. Idk why it hit me only today as who was the first person to ever call it that, and how the heck such a slang came about lol
Viper · M
Probably someone looking at their phone (or computer), and when asked what they were doing... said "checking the weather"...

And they kept doing it, and someone sarcastically says... "Checking the weather, again?... 15th time you've checked it this hour" lol

And probably got into some entertainment and caught on...
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Viper Interestingly, that actually make a lot of sense LOL
Viper · M
Interestingly, that actually make a lot of sense LOL
Everything I say does! Especially when I write it in Arabic 😏
@BittersweetPotato Very informative. I have no idea where it came from haha 😅
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether Maybe it is like viper explained it lol
@BittersweetPotato His theory does make sense lol
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Other Arabs using Egyptian terms? Aren't a lot of Arabic language films and books from Egypt?
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Crazywaterspring Yea Egyptian movies for example are very popular, especially comedy movies. I don't personally watch them, and I am afraid I don't find all of them very funny.. but most Arabs would follow Egyptian production.. it is the reason Egyptian accent is understood by most Arabs.
Lilnonames · F
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