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36-40, F
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I really like you know!! :-) you are cool
51-55, M
Thank you for the chat and thank you for the help you truly are a goddess
For you. tnx u for the double cake 🍰 i will msg you when i can.
Message me back please goddess 😏
46-50, M
A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady. I am glad you are still on SW. :-)
36-40, M
Baby, you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into right now ❤❤❤
36-40, M
Anna i will always love ❤️ you. no matter what’s happens. i will i promise you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ / as i give you this gift of flame 🔥 the flame in heart will always burn for the one and only you.
51-55, M
I saw that You love roses , Ma’am. i hope this is OK
46-50, M
Thatz for you
Thanks for your reading and I appreciate.
31-35, M
The Goddess deserves only the best!
31-35, M
I was a pleasure to have the opportunity to converse with you!
Something to hug...
46-50, M
Sexy heels for a sexy lady!
Will you do me the honor of joining me?
A gift for a beautiful lady
thanks a lot my friend I really am glad that I find u here become my sw wife ...u really are something I can tel even in realy life .
41-45, M
For You