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Serenitree · F
@kindalarge: my mom was a shutter bug. She had an old Brownie Box camera which could only take pictures outside, and then when I was about 10 years old, she got a Brownie Hawkeye with flash. Then no one was safe. She started getting candid shots of us, leaving us blinded for several minutes.

When I grew up, got married and had kids, I never could afford to buy film or get pictures developed, so I didn't get the bug until digital came around. But my kids are all camera crazy, and so are my grandkids. My one granddaughter has thousands of pictures of her kids, pets, decor, friends, beaches, nature trails, you name it she's got it.

Now it's my turn.
Serenitree · F
Perfect. I've taken close shots of bees collecting pollen. It's interesting that they really don't mind how close you get to them as long as you have no hostile feelings. I've had one land on my arm and couldn't get a picture because I needed both hands for the camera.
kindalarge · 51-55, M
@Serenitree: Im always in nature and in the swamps, mostly its motorcycle racing, skydiving and professional boxing
Serenitree · F
@kindalarge: I live in a city, but a half hour bus ride in any direction will take me to some natural spot. We have a lot of trails here. I don't know if you've heard of the Bruce Trail, but it goes right through the middle of our city, halfway up the escarpment. The Niagara Escarpment also goes through our city, and there are 17 waterfalls in and around it. Also, we are situated right on Lake Ontario, and Burlington Bay. So many great photographic opportunities. The city itself presents some great contrasts. My granddaughter took a summer photography course and she got some stunning shots.

My camera is due to be delivered by this coming Monday and the first meeting of the summer photo club in my retirement community meets next Thursday. This year I plan to be a part of it.
kindalarge · 51-55, M
@Serenitree: thats really cool, Im a solid 90 minute ride into the city. I spend most my time just wandering waiting for that next shot to come. Thats really cool you have a youngster thats taken interest in the photo realm. I look forward to seeing more of your shots and dont stop shooting! Even when you think its dull and uninteresting I've come to find it's always interesting to someone

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