what’s ur fav showi’m in binge watch mode, i need new shows to watch! i just finished abbot elementary and not dead yet but im open to any suggestion!
are you a sweet treat or salty snack kinda person? Poll (34) See Poll Optionsobviously i’m a sweet treat kinda gal
how’s ur spotify wrapped looking?i’m a bit embarrassed to say that kanye west is once more in my top five 🫢
happy tuesday guysthis is my first actual day off since october 18th and i don’t even know what to do with myself! what’re you guys up to today? (:
i have had a great week so fari’ve been cooking every meal, actually drinking water, and i haven’t even smoked! life is good (:
goood morning!i’m up before my alarm, bathroom is cleaned and now im enjoying breakfast with some coffee. how’s your morning starting off?
iphone or android?i usually don’t care how you side but this snoopy apple watch update has me swooning over them 🥺 (1)
happy tuesday u stinky peoplei’m exhausted today, mentally & physically. time to do my nails before work 😴 how’s ur tuesday going