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Could YOU be an executioner?

One of the scenarios I consider in Israel is that say 40 prisoners are released for every live hostage returned.. I am not agreeing with the ratio or the morality of releasing so many terrorists with blood on their hands in exchange for one Jewish life... but that is not my call..

If however this is what is being done then we must also consider the corollary .... What should be done when a Jew is G-d forbid murdered? My position is very clear - if we release forty terrorists for one live Jew then we should give them 40 DEAD terrorists for every Jew they murder as a matter of morality, equity and most importantly communication so they can consider the price they will pay for murdering a jew..

So to take forty live terrorists and convert them into dead bodies requires them to be executed.. and SOMEONE has to do it... . If they asked me to do it... could I do it? Would I do it? Could I execute a disarmed terrorist?

Yes... I could and yes I would...
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Execute file your program does that incessantly
@pdqsailor1 that is how complicated progs operate
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@pentagrammom its not complicated.. its simple..
@pdqsailor1 yes,and always will be

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