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This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
silly, quiet and ysbsoodgt&
About Me
About Me
im jonathan! im 19 years old from the us (or the Pitcairn Islands, wherever that is lololol)

im currently not in school and im not really sure what i wanna do with my life so just working a part time job living at home with mom and dad. they're pretty strict but unlike a lot of strict parents are compassionate and support me and pour their everything into me to help me and i love them for that.

i have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) at a level which would have been referred to as aspergers before the changes to the DSM-V. for anyone who doesnt know much about ASD thats ok! not a lot of people do and i didnt really either before i got diagnosed and learned more. but basically it just means, in my specific case, they i have difficulties with being in social situations and navigating relationships, i get overwhelmed easily by certain sensory experiences (certain sounds, textures, etc.), i have topics that i get super obsessed with and consume a lot of my time and, if it wasn't already obvious, i rant a lot lol!

so yea basically im kinda a slow learner when it comes to real life adult stuff i should be doing but im working on it and getting better every day!

also i do have some things that are kinda sorta interesting about me. i play guitar and sing, I love languages (I know some spanish but i have a bad habit of jumping from interest to interest so im not fluent), I can list every avatar the last airbender episode in chronological order and I've scored in the 100th percentile for both verbal memory and sequence memory on humanbenchmark!

ok so not that interesting. anyway if you have anything i mentioned in common with me (living in a strict household, ASD, music, interest in linguistics, being a loser, rabid avatar obsession) or if you have your own story and experiences and interests you want to share send me a message!