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36-40, M
Urban explorer/adventurer/amateur bird enthusiast
About Me
About Me
Who is Joe diamond? A man of mystery,suave,a smooth operator,or just a chump trying to get a bolgna sandwich.Im all that,and a whole lot more.My denim/corduroy evening wear line is all the rage among fashion circles.My godlike,and sensuous tuba playing makes even the toughest critic swoon.You can guarantee that I am a Force to be reckoned with when I come to any tabletop game.You can rest assured,that when Joe diamond comes out of the box, Cthulhu,and his little miscreants run to their mommies quicker than you can say rue the day,and just wait until you see my technical manuals.You will be so filled with delight that,well you will be shitting your pants with all the delight your full of. ☮️