22-25, F
The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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Just a Comment

Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
Th1nkF1rst thinks you are Sweet.

Don't overthink your life and how others see You.
Just you worry about how You appear to Yourself!
Make a Mental Template of a realistic and very possible Jessica
with attributes, features, characteristics, personality traits,
goal, desires, ambitions, emotions, temperament, morals, mannerisms, individuality, habits, qualities, uniqueness that makes up the YOU that You aspire to become. Check it often, modify it rarely, keep it in You, with You, never compromise it or change it for someone else unless that helps You achieve Your goals.
Just you worry about how You appear to Yourself!
Make a Mental Template of a realistic and very possible Jessica
with attributes, features, characteristics, personality traits,
goal, desires, ambitions, emotions, temperament, morals, mannerisms, individuality, habits, qualities, uniqueness that makes up the YOU that You aspire to become. Check it often, modify it rarely, keep it in You, with You, never compromise it or change it for someone else unless that helps You achieve Your goals.