@Islamreligion But He deserves worship and we are to worship Him. Though he doesn't need us, as he is self-sufficient...still, He loves and wants fellowship with us. The Bible teaches that God desires our worship (Psalm 99:5;John 4:23). He is the only One worthy of it (Deuteronomy 10:21;1 Chronicles 16:25;Psalm 96:4–5). Our worship of Him reveals that the God of the universe has captured our attention and won our allegiance. We worship God because we recognize that no other being, thing, pursuit, or riches, is worthy of the place He inhabits on the throne of our lives (Exodus 20:3–5;Hebrews 12:28–29).
To worship is to recognize, honor, and express the worthiness of God, that He is due as our Maker (Acts 17:28;James 1:17;Revelation 4:11) and our Redeemer (Colossians 1:12–13;1 Peter 1:3). Worship is part of our daily fellowship with God. For believers, worship is our way of life.
@LadyGrace Yes God deserves worship And that is his purpose of creating us. And That is why I am a Muslim. I worship God and follow his commandments. However, this verse shows that God does not “need “ this worship Because God is almighty therefore he is not in need of anything rather We are the ones that need to worship him and follow his commandments in order to be admitted into paradise .
@Islamreligion I was never confused. I worship God and follow His Commandments as well, including worshipping Jesus as my Savior, whom God the Father approved and appointed to be Saviour of this whole world. Muslims do not recognize Jesus as Savior of the world.
@LadyGrace If you worship Jesus then that is your decision ma’am. I on the other hand view Jesus Christ as a mighty prophet and don’t worship him hence I chose to be a Muslim. You have your way and I have my way . Why are you not letting Muslims preach freely on here ? If you claim your religion is all about peace tolerance and love then let others preach their faith with no negativity please.
@Islamreligion Don't make accusations or assume things. I merely asked a question then shared my beliefs, as you did. If you share yours, then surely I can share mine freely, without negativity.
@LadyGrace You are welcome to ask questions And of course share your beliefs But sometimes it seems to me as if you are enforcing your beliefs. I don’t go on your Christian posts and spam Islamic quotes .
Either way , as long as you are respectful you are always welcome my dear.
@Islamreligion You enforce your beliefs. I happen to see your statement and replied, just as anyone would. This is what we do here, we respond to each other's posts without being accused of spamming. I didn't spam your quote.
@LadyGrace I meant , not every time someone posts about their religion you have to spam your own religious quotes. I don’t find that respectful especially that you -already- sent those on my previous posts it has become something like automatic comment . I could go on your posts and do the same thing but I don’t . If it is some misunderstanding from my part, then I apologize for the misjudgment. Have a lovely day.
@LadyGrace Dear Grace, At first you wrote “God” Then eidted it to “Allah” Although there was no need😅 I use God and Allah interchangeably. There are even certain English Quran translations such as Harvard MAS Abdel Haleem that translate “Allah “ to “God. “ This is an example , chapter 112 in Abdel Haleem English translation of the Quran :
The word “Allah” was used long before mohammed came. Prophet Mohammed’s father for instance his name was Abdullah (the servant of Allah) although he passed away before Mohammed was even born! Most Christian Arabs (One of the eldest Christian communities in the world ) Refer to God as “Allah” And used this word long before mohammed was even born. Actually take a look at the Arabic Bible :
The Arabic word Allah (الله) is all over the Arabic Bible.