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I Have Legitimate Concerns About Islam And That's Not Bigotry

First things first, I don't like Islam. I am against it because it divides the world into believers and infidels, and orders infidels to be killed. So when a state or armed organisation places Islam as its guiding light, those who do not agree with it put their lives at risk. This attitude has only got a name, and it is totalitarism.

On the other hand, I cannot help observing that in certain points Islam strongly clashes with capitalist and liberal democracy, and this clashes go much further than Islamic views on homosexuality. Islam rejects usury as the worst of sins. Muslims have a much stronger sense of community than the western world.

Islam and capitalism cannot be friends. The establishment does not support Islam, it is using it to keep western population divided and fearful. Islam is a virus that has been injected in the body of our societies. We have to fight it or we will die. But if we fight the virus and we get new injections all the time, we will die anyway. It is a mistake to just fight Islam. The biggest fight must be against those bringing it to the west.
For a big part I agree with you and that religion says straight out, I, as an atheist should be stoned and the're a lot of other things I don't like that much about that religion as well. But I still have 5-6 Muslims on my friends list here, what to do with them?
I doubt if they would stone me if they had the possibility to stone me. Should I tell those of them who live in a Western country to piss off because I think they will take over if they got the chance?
And we're on the roll, what to do with my Jewish friend who knows I'm not exactly a friend of Israel? And what about my hard core libtards friends and on the other side, the hard core Trump adoring rep friends? And all religious friends who think exact the opposite I think etc etc. The problem is we have to deal with people, it's to easy to think in big lines ore groups. Yes, let's kick out all fanatic Muslims, and the warriors for Shariah law in our countries etc, but leave that ll Turkish restaurant alone. And like you said, let's focus on the real problem causing assholes, the one's who created Isis, the EU leaders who want to turn us into one big equal mass what's easier to manipulate, the Goldman Sachs scumbags with their country destroying money politics, the Monsanto club with their poison and GMO shit, the scum that sells all sorts of weapons at Saudi Arabia, that Isis supporting country where your head got chopped if you dare preach Christianity, but also the same country what supported the presidents campaign where nobody really asked questions about with millions and millions of dollars. I'm still not convinced we fight the real enemy, it's far more complex than pointing a finger at just one scapegoat. And as long as I don't know who ore what's the real enemy, I look at the people I have to deal with, what they think and what they stand for, not their religion ore country.
Cierzo · M
Your Muslim friends are reasonable, the same way Christians are and do not follow at face value what certain books of the Old Testament say.

The problem is that: 1) voices speaking loud in the name of Islam now are not reasonable. 2) those voices have been given power and access to the west.
@Cierzo: Oh yes, there's a good reason I'm not a big friend of Islam as a system 😉
Carissimi · F
They also hate dogs and pigs. Once Sharia is law and any western country is Muslim majority, say goodbye to your dogs, and all slaughtered animals die cruelly without being stunned. The animal dies slowly in terror. Animal lovers and Islam does not mix.

Just one more thing to think about.

Support this, brave and courageous, one man army against Islamic takeover in the U.K. He has been smeared as the usual from leftists and U.K. Govt as a racist, and worse. Beaten, imprisoned, and receives death threats daily, but carries on. He's on Twitter, and his book is on Amazon.

Cierzo · M
Thank you for sharing, I had never heard of him. Of course media try hard that people like him remain unknown.
Carissimi · F
@Cierzo: He gets the usual labels: racist, Nazi, fascist etc. He's none of those things. The more I learn about him, the more my respect for him grows.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
Where are you getting your information on Islam?

Are you also aware that Christianity, Judaism and Islam all come from the same religion? Hence their similarities.

I suggest you do some research, the internet is easy to access and a lot of information on there. 20 years ago your ignorance would be excusable, today it is not
Carissimi · F
@UserName1234: Most don't realize how much of their life will change under Sharia. So many aspects. Muslims hating dogs and slaughtering animals for food inhumanely with great distress and pain for the animal is just one aspect, and there are many. Dogs most likely will be killed.

It's a terrible system.
Cierzo · M
Which part of what I wrote is false?
dominoesgirl · 36-40, F
@Carissimi: if, heaven forbid, sharia law were to take place in the US, and I had to get rid of my dog, I would stock up on dog food, buy it on the black market, whatever, and keep him hidden. Ain't no way I would get rid of him!
My coworker has talked about how they cannot be touched by dogs because they are "unclean"
Serenitree · F
You're right. You have concerns. You are right to be concerned. But I'm sure I'm missing something here.

The biggest fight must be against those bringing it to the west.

Most of the Muslim people I know are just families looking to live in a place that is safer than where they ran from. Yes. They still practice their religion. That is a guaranteed right in our part of the world.

Once you decide that the families must be fought it becomes bigotry.

Mar. 25/17
6:02 pm
Cierzo · M
I am not talking about the families. This massive influx of immigrants coming in the last two years to Europe is not spontaneous.NGOs are bringing them here, and someone is funding them. Someone is pulling the strings to start a conflict
fredmohar · 36-40, M
It is true, but Europe is so weak that it will be destroyed by Muslims sooner or later. They murder us each day and we don't do anything. Islam should be treated as nazism: banned.
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Their core values require that they kill those unlike them.

They are a parasite that kills its host.
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Serenitree · F

Mar. 25/17
6:54 pm
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Let's not igore any of them.
Wrong is wrong is wrong.

We shouldn't justify one wrong with another.
Serenitree · F
@UserName1234: no. We shouldn't. Let's just remember that killing people who are not all alike isn't just a Muslim thing.

And it didn't start on September 11, 2001.

And it didn't start after the birth of Christ.

I'll bet it started when the earliest humans got wiped out by the Next ones.

Mar. 25/17
7:35 pm
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
You are likely right that the first groups had problems with each other, and some resorted to murder.

islam is a wrong that we need to stand up against and stop it from spreading.
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