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I Have Legitimate Concerns About Islam And That's Not Bigotry

Are We Being Bred Out of Existance?

After watching this, I actually want to vote for Trump. The lame stream media and the politicians are not telling it like it is. One thing I've observed for myself is the vast majority of these "refugees" are young men. Overwhelmingly young men.

So much for the (so called) religion of peace.

Cierzo · M
Refugees escaping from a war used to be women, children and old people, where young men stayed to fight for their land. Now it is the opposite. Europe is being invaded by hordes of 'Syrian refugees', most of whom they are not either Syrian or real refugees, with the complicity of most European governments (one day they will have to pay for it). Only a few leaders in Eastern Europe are keeping some common sense and see the danger we are allowing to come to our continent.
Carissimi · F
You are right, the vast majority are not from Syria. I've been watching this exodus for the past year, and it's young Muslim men from Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other Muslim countries.

I also found out that the "refugee" camp at Calais...what they called the "jungle," has been there for at least a decade. These people are not refugees, they are illegal migrants from all over, but celebrities and the media were portraying them as Syrian refugees.
@Carissimi: Not in Europe anyway, everybody knows the truth about Calais here.
berangere · 80-89, F
@ StefanoHopkins.Basycally the extreme versions of Islam and Christianity are both aberrations created not by God's inspiration via "holy scriptures" but by MEN who wanted to establish power and control over the masses and of course those men were and are self serving sociopaths for the most.But the biggest peril we are facing at the moment is Islam and not Christianity.The crusades happened centuries ago but at the same time Islam was also conquering other countries with the sword.Islam has been on the march for centuries and is now at a most dangerous phase for the entire world.Thousands innocent lives have been lost through terrorism ALL OVER THE WORLD in recent decades and since 9/11.This is not the doing of Christianity.So please stop comparing what is happening NOW to the crusades,the crusades do not excuse the murdering actions of Islam NOW.Christianity has reformed itself,sure, there are still fanatics around,but we do not hear of Christian terrorism,but Islamic terrorism is being practiced NOW on a huge scale,practically every day all over the world,in small scales( individual attacks or lone wolf attacks) and large scales(bombing at airports,shopping malls,or one Islamic fanatic killing over 80 people by running them down with a truck as in the Nice tragedy).Please lets get our priorities right!
Carissimi · F
Thank you for taking the time and effort to compose this very well expressed explanation for Stefan. To be honest, I don't have the mental energy or motivation to do that for people like Stefan who spout comparisons in nonsense, and who won't see reason.
berangere · 80-89, F
@Carissimi: Sadly people who have knee jerk reactions about Islam (just look at the crusades!) just repeat the same old platitudes by rote, because they know nothing about the true nature of Islam and do not bother to find out.
Carissimi · F
@berangere: Exactly.
berangere · 80-89, F
Yes! A great majority of those refugees are young males and they do not all come from Syria.In fact they should have stayed to defend their countries and not leave their families behind to face the music.I remember seeing on the news the arrival of "refugees" to Germany,there were people waiting for them and many were holding toys for the children and when the refugees appeared all we could see were hordes of fit young males and they kept coming and coming and NOT a single child in sight and practically no women,that was NOT a made up video it was ON THE NEWS! Of course they were not all men but single unaccompanied males appeared to make the bulk of it.

Partial your right but this docu is also highly dramatized, it looks like Europe is one big battle zone and of course we have big problems and we don't want 80% of them to come but please, this is the same propaganda as the "the other side" uses, a bad reason to base your vote on trump on.
That's exactly why it's so important to collect your news from all possible corners, not just the one's you like!
Carissimi · F
@kingkyrie: You won't get much from American news. They are well behind the curve. My news comes from European media and the BBC. Put that together with my knowledge of reading about Islam and its history, and I come to my own conclusions.
@Carissimi: Try also once to look at Al Jahzeera, not because they are such a reliable, objective source, because the aren't, but because sometimes they tell things Western media avoid, ore "forget" to tell.
StefanoHopkins · 51-55, M
I don't really see a lot of difference between the extreme versions of Islam and Christianity.

Perhaps you could study the Crusades a bit.

"Christian" nations like the US have developed the method of killing and controlling from halfway around the globe, so we don't see what evil havoc we are wreaking in the Middle East.
Listen to the rantings of our fundamentalists like Pat Robertson, et al.

Well, I have a fundalmentalist view as well :
If you are a Christian, then you are a pacifist. If you're not a pacifist, then you are NOT a Christian. Do you really believe in Christ's teachings, or do you just like to spout his name, and kill in his name ?
You can't have your cake, and kill it too.
Carissimi · F
I'm sorry, I'm unaware of Christian crusades in 2016. I think Christians have progressed since those days.

I'm not a Christian, so your question to me is moot.
ZefNinja · 41-45, M
You said i have a black heart for criticising judaism. Hypocrite!
Carissimi · F
@ZefNinja: Well if you won't explain your understanding, I can't comment any further.

Thanks for your contribution.
ZefNinja · 41-45, M
@Carissimi: im not here to educate name calling hypocrites. Ive provided you with a reference to the the information. Black heart? Fuck you! Ignoramus!
Carissimi · F
@ZefNinja: You are typical of an ignorant person. You can't have a rational discussion, so you resort to personal insult.

I won't waste my time with you. You didn't even get my point.
I slam
You slam
We all slam for Islam
StefanoHopkins · 51-55, M
Wiser words than may first appear !
ZefNinja · 41-45, M
This message was deleted by its author.
Carissimi · F
I believe it.

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