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The joys of living in a country with an Islamic majority


I’m in an estate that is almost entirely Buddhist, several hundred Buddhist families here, have seen no more than four Muslim families. But the population as a whole reads as 60% Muslim, so religious freedom is gone, it’s pushed on the other 40%.

The local church sends texts whenever they have an event, the mosques are entirely different. They blast everything through megaphones next to the mosque. And to ensure that no one can ever escape hearing it, they have planted a mosque every ten minutes (walking) along the estate. On top of a giant mosque a fifteen minute walk from the estate. There is also a mosque outside of a school less than a two minute walk and within the school is another mosque. They often wail out sounds that sound like someone dying in a tunnel just to wear the Buddhists down. And I’m woken every morning at 6.30am to a mosque chanting in a way that sounds like a tape recording being played backwards of a load of cows and rocking horses. And it sort of comes out in waves. And it’s often formed from off keys and imperfect cadences (I’m a music teacher) It’s hard to explain the sounds really, it’s really trippy, it seems very intentioned to break down your mentality, it makes you very sick. On one of the Buddhist holy days, which is once per year, they just decided to go even louder with the chanting, imitating a howler monkey from one mosque, a dog from another, and Tarzan from the third. Usually they wake me at 6.30am, today they went for 5.30am. On top of doing it five times a day for prayers (surely they can remember when prayers are after 1600 years? Or maybe just text?) they will just randomly emit sounds that sound like recordings played backwards, clicking, cackling and sounds of people dying. Again, in an estate almost entirely of people that don’t share the religion.

It’s quite hellish. There is only a 6% tax rate. So no health service, no schools, no paths, wild dogs roaming the street. So you might think as a result, prices would be cheap. Nah. Halal certification. To prove that the imported food products are halal, they can’t take the word of the dirty kuffar food companies to say it’s halal, instead these companies have to pay a halal certification company to say it’s halal. The companies put that cost into the price. The halal company then gives the money to Islamic organizations to further propagate this hellish cult. So they have high prices and no public services.

The small public infrastructure they do have has to have Islamic prayer rooms. In the west we have ‘multi faith rooms’, I’d been in one and it had all the facilities for Islamic prayer and no other religious group used them. In Malaysia they don’t bother hiding them, they just have a mosque symbol and are called prayer rooms. No doubt paid for by the 6% tax rate taken from the Buddhists whilst still having all the halal money for other stuff.

Most people in Malaysia - friendly. I go to the local mosque, super friendly, I always am. Two Muslims come over. Already angry. ‘What are you doing?’ They ask. And I tell them cheerfully I’d like to have a come look see what they believe in’. ‘Are you a Muslim?’ ‘No’ ‘well then you can’t come in unless you have a special invite ‘

I find it absolutely despicable that liberals, the left, woke, whatever you call them defend a religion absolutely antithetical to their religion.
America needs to observe this and incorporate it here with churches. The left woke mob is getting God and prayer out of the public and schools and what results is amoral decline of America, socialism, LGBT, and other demonic things
scrood · 31-35
@Stargazer89 The problem with the 1st Amendment is also its advantage
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
One of the most telling phrases in the Quran and one that should be the most eye opening to infidels is " Do not stop until the last man praises Allah " . Meaning don't stop until Muslims rule the world eliminating all infidels and religions.
scrood · 31-35
The future of Europe . . . can't vote your way out of submission!!!

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