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Eid is supposed to be about giving but that is not what I see most doing.

They just want to eat . They buy it to stuff themselves with meat and pretend it is religiously motivated.and complain about the sacrifice being too fatty or too skinny or too expensive..and on and on and on.

When did it become like this?

جشاعة و قلة حياء.

اصبح الحمد و العرفان خبر كان.
و اصبح الغني ياكل ملهوفا و كانه لم يرى اللحم مسبقا ،و ينسى الهدف من سنة محمد.

خرجت اليوم في حملة لجمع اللحوم و الجلود ..التي سنبيعها ثم نستعمل .. مدخولها لدعم مخيمات اللاجئين

في احدى المنازل سمعت رجلا يقول لامراته و انا في الغرفة المجاورة

"من نمدش البوزليف هدا العام. نحتمه و من نخليكش تتصدقي بيهع و تفرحي"

"لن اعطي راس الغنم هذه العام..سآكله لوحدي رغم انني لا أحبه لانني لا اريدك ان تفرحي بالتصدق به."

حتى الجنة و يبخل بها عن زوجته.

كثرة حقارة الرجال.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
My old granny at least used to be different about this, for her it was more important to share the sacrifice, first to the poor then to friends, sadly she passed away years ago and she was the glue that held that side of the family together and since then things changed drastially.
Miram · 31-35, F

Same over here.

My grandparents always gave away sheep on Eid and they didn't busy themselves with their own share till the second or third day.

I do think it is partly a generational problem. I have never heard my grandfather complain about not eating enough. He admitted his blessings and shared.

I hate how everything is about money now even the holidays
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
@Miram Seems people nowadays are more interested in having and taking than giving and sharig.
Earlier today i was at a place nearby, helping to slaughter and distribute the meat to the poor and orphans.
I must say, i too saw people complain about "too skinny" and stuff.

People are just losing the meaning behind everything. It was disappointing.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Same with Christian holidays. I find more joy in our secular Thanksgiving holiday than in Christmas. It has gotten so overrun with commercialism. 🤦‍♀️

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