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I Am Muslim

I think being a muslim is just super cool.

Like, youre free to party whenever you want to but you shouldnt get drunk. Youre free to hang out with your friends as much as you please but you shouldn't do drugs. Youre free to do WHATEVER you want to yet without harming yourself or others. Yet, its not about being free, its about showing restraint and self-discipline and that aint easy. Its tough to always control yourself and be responsible, that's why i think its really cool to be a muslim.
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Sure it is great as long as you do not want to do any of the following.
For both genders

Music with Instruments.

Un-Islamic decor (Statues)

Toys (anything resembling a living thing)

Drawing and Art for anything that resembles a human.

Eating pork and monkeys (because they're related to Jews)

Drinking Alcohol


Adoption in any form

Playing dice or anything that depends on luck as it goes against Allah's predetermined fate.

Playing anything that results in winning a cash prize.

Interest in debt (only interest free is allowed)

Reading and Writing anything that goes outside the realm of Islam (no high fantasy where they pray to gods other than Allah, for example)


Owning pets other than Cats. (this is because one of Muhammad's friends had cats he was called Abu Hurayra , Father of kittens)


Non Islamic culture (Wearing jeans and t-shirts; Casual stuff)

Counter-Culture/Sub-Culture (Punk, Metal, Goth...etc)


Eating or washing with your left hand.

Imitating Non Muslims (Plucking eyebrows and 'beautifying' self)

Working with non Muslims in restaurants, casinos, temples, banks, courts, bars, and music venues.

Befriending Non Muslims and calling them "Brothers" and "Sisters" all companionship with Non Muslims should be professional only

Premarital relationships.

Making friends with the other gender.

Gender Equality

Talking to other genders before marriage.

Showing affection in public.

Staring or looking directly at the opposite gender.


Not praying five times a day.

Not washing self (Wu'Du) before praying or reading the quran

Homosexuality, or talking with people who are homosexual.

Leaving the religion, or talking with people who left it.

Talking with people outside of the Abrahamic religions

Marrying a slave man/woman that you own.

Marrying your step sister/brother if she/he breast feed from the same mother --If she/he didn't it is okay to marry your step sister/brother--

Slaughtering an animal without saying 'Bismillah'

Stunning the Animal before slitting it's throat

Eating said animal (non halal food)

For Men

(Men) Wearing Gold jewelry
(Men) Piercings
(Men) Marrying more than four wives
(Men) Marrying your birth mother, your grandmother, your daughter, and your granddaughter. (Everyone else is okay, EX Marrying your cousin, your step mother after father died, your mother in law and your grand-grand daughter is okay)
(Men) Wearing shorts that show the knees.
(Men) Shaving body hair
(Men) Wearing perfume (they use something called Oud/Agarwood, it is incense)
(Men) Shaving beard lower than 1/2 cm.
(Men) Having a long Mustache.

For Women

(Women) Showing hair or skin in public.
(Women) Talking louder than a man.
(Women) Talking to another man, other than husband.
(Women) Refusing sex when asked to by her husband.
(Women) Going outside without the consent of her husband.
(Women) Wearing Jewelry in public.
(Women) Wearing Makeup in public.
(Women) Wearing Perfume in public.
(Women) Arguing with your husband.
(Women) Arguing with your husband's other wives.
(Women) Denying to marry a man, if you're not a widow or ex wife.
(Women) Marrying another man other than husband.
(Women) Marrying a man 6 months after breakup with ex husband.
(Women) Divorcing a man. (only he's the one who's allowed to do that)
(Women) Accuse a man of rape without 4 male witnesses or 8 female witnesses of the actual rape.
(Women) Marrying a Non Muslim man
(Women) Having body hair and imitating men
(Women) Lifting her hand against her husband --Even if he's beating her senseless--
(Women) Make wedding arrangements.
(Women) Praying with men.
(Women) Being in the company of other men.
(Women) Sitting in the living room with the husband and his friends.
(Women) Eating with the husband and his friends.
(Women) Refuse to cook food.
(Women) Work outside the house without a guardian.
(Women) Be working in a company of other men outside the house.
(Women) Leave the room without permission.
(Women) Question the husband critically.
(Women) Becoming the "woman of the house" after her husband passed away
(Women) Becoming a father-figure of a fatherless son (he becomes like her husband, he makes the rules)

And most importantly writing something like this. Blasphemy is death.
Valencia · 26-30, M
The things you got right are; drinking alcohol and gambling..... Ps: im a music producer, planning to adopt a little girl when im 25-ish. Going to have a tattoo later on because i want to be able to donate blood. And yes i do dance to the music i make. Youre way wrong sir/ma'am. We are not robots :) we do not treat non-muslims as they are aliens! Its actually MANDATORY to respect them and assist them in any way we can, thats what prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has taught us.
Valencia · 26-30, M
Oh well looks like someone cheated his way out of fifth grade.. You cant donate blood while having a tat mate. Your blood is contaminated with ink. Youre welcome.

I actually did check them and found multiple verses that support what im saying and my lifestyle. Why donate a little girl ? Well its strictly personal decision sir but i assure you its not for any sexual acts if thats what you mean (why would that even cross your mind....)
Valencia · 26-30, M
Well I'd very much want your source. :)
Valencia · 26-30, M
Well firstly excuse me for my terrible type, i meant adopt not donate for the little girl case. Secondly, so we can just wrap this whole bloody (pun intended) tattoo thing, here is why you shouldnt donate blood if youre having a tattoo:

Here is a clear RECENT example of what happens when too many people have tats on them.


Ohh and when i said that im going to have a tattoo later on BECAUSE...." Whatever comes after because is the explanation of what came right before it.. Talking about 4th grade.... Yeah.

Ohh last thing.. Ehm.. At that time it was normal for girls to get married at this age, and her previous offer of marriage to a non believer is further evidence for this. Another example of Hafsa ibn ' Omar who married for the first time when she was twelve. Another example is 'Abdul Mutallib, the grandfather of the Prophet ( P.B.U.H.) married Hala who was the same age as Aminah bint Wahb. So this was normal for the Arabs in that time and not just within the Arabs. This was also accepted and common amongst the Jews, the leader of the Jews, Hulai in Ahtal, he was the reason for the battle of Khandak. The first marriage of his daughter Saffiya was to one of the Jews before she became a Muslim. She was at that time eleven years old, and in some accounts it says ten years old. This was accepted in those days… also another point is, when did this start being questioned? Only within the last sixty years. If this was truly an issue it would have first been questioned at the time, not a single book questions this.
Valencia · 26-30, M
Valencia · 26-30, M
Alright i see your point. But there is a bit of a misunderstanding here because 80% of those included in the "prohibited list" aren't completely prohibited, like you SHOULDNT rather than you MUST NOT, you feel me ? Like speaking about music for instance, one time prophet Muhammad was attending a wedding ceremony and people started to play music, so one guy went to tell them to stop singing but Muhammad (PBUH) asked him to let them sing and do what they please, they are having a wedding and they are happy so lets not burst their bubble.

Certain things (10-20% of those included in the list) are strictly prohibited and the other are not really prohibited.
Valencia · 26-30, M
1) im not trying to hit on or insult any other religion or belief. When i stated the example of the jew man or "non-believer" it was to show that the age of marriage for females at the time wasn't just for muslims only, it was for Arabs of different beliefs and religions.

2) I know i can donate blood while wearing a tat but after 4 or so months from having it, which is quite a bummer because i want to be able to freely donate blood every 3 months without having to worry about blood hepatitis.

3) what you said is very true.. EXCEPT I SAID "LATER ON" hence whatever comes after because the main cause or reason why its later on.
Valencia · 26-30, M
Thats actualh Shiaa'.. Yep they are muslims, nope they do not follow the direct teaching of prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Your source is just wank mate.
Valencia · 26-30, M
Mate youre missing the point. The Auatollah and his companions are Shiaa'. Shiaa' do not follow the teaching of Muhammad (PBUH). This site is totally bogus. And its not me who says that, its Al-Azhar, the biggest Islamic Sunni Organisation.
Valencia · 26-30, M
True.. Well im saying so because sunni follow the teachings of Muhammad while Shiaa' dont. So there is that. And tbh, i dont really care about someone's religion, if i like you then i like you regardless of what your beliefs are.
I listen to music everyday my parents too am Arab and Muslim from the gulf. I have status in my room I used to have toys,I take art lessons,my friends sister is adopted, I play monopoly and snakes and Ladders, I read fiction romance Dan brown is the best, poetry, I take English lit, and Arabs are known for poetry since the prophet Mohammad PBOH and I live Arabic poetry,I have 2 dogs one lab and a German Shepard and 4 turtles, I dance Zumba,weddings, I wear jeans t-shirt casual stuff. I love hardcore rock. I pluck my eyebrows and I absolutely love makeup. Working with non Muslims!! That's just stupid. A guy can marry a non Muslim as long as she's Jew or Christian. I don't call anyone brother or sister it's weird lol,I have guy friends, wtf gender equality!!, I have Exs, all guys in my school masterbate.
I am vert happy that you do have those freedoms but I am pretty sure that you may well be from the gulf but are you living in the gulf?
Ps 89%of people masturbate and 11% of people tell lies :-))
Yes I am living in the gulf