williamangliss · 46-50, M
One of the most shocking events in the life of Muhammad, one which has been a major source of embarrassment for Muslims, is his marriage to his adopted son's former wife, Zaynab bint Jash. Zaynab had married Zayd, the freed slave of Muhammad's first wife, Khadijah, whom Muhammad adopted as his son. According to some versions of the story, Muhammad had ventured to see his adopted son, Zayd, at his house. Upon arriving, he found Zaynab unveiled and was enamored by her beauty. As he departed, Muhammad made some comments which she heard and, when her husband returned, told him what had transpired. After Zayd heard that Muhammad had made some comments about his wife's beauty, he went to his adoptive father and told him that he would divorce her so he could marry her if this is what Muhammad desired. Muhammad refused and encouraged his adopted son to remain with his wife. Subsequently, Zayd divorced his wife and Muhammad was commanded by Allah to then marry Zaynab, his adopted son's divorcee.
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williamangliss · 46-50, M
Here@wickey The Quran refers to this marriage in the following passage:
When thou saidst to him whom God had blessed and thou hadst favoured, 'Keep thy wife to thyself, and fear God,' and thou wast CONCEALING WITHIN THYSELF what God should reveal, FEARING OTHER MEN; and God has better right for thee to fear Him. So when Zaid had accomplished what he would of her, THEN WE GAVE HER IN MARRIAGE TO THEE, so that there should not be any fault in the believers, touching the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished what they would of them; and God's commandment must be performed. S. 33:37
When thou saidst to him whom God had blessed and thou hadst favoured, 'Keep thy wife to thyself, and fear God,' and thou wast CONCEALING WITHIN THYSELF what God should reveal, FEARING OTHER MEN; and God has better right for thee to fear Him. So when Zaid had accomplished what he would of her, THEN WE GAVE HER IN MARRIAGE TO THEE, so that there should not be any fault in the believers, touching the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished what they would of them; and God's commandment must be performed. S. 33:37
williamangliss · 46-50, M
ALLAH MADE ZAYD DIVORCE ZAYNAB and marry the Prophet(P) to remove the barrier set up by ties of adoption and invalidating its customs. He says, "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men." (33:40) And He says, "So that there would not be any fault for the believers regarding the wives of their adopted sons." (33:37)
wickey · 70-79, M
@williamangliss Thanks, will check it out.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I have heard it is allowed in Morocco but not really common. They make the adoptive parents pay a monthly fee to pay for social worker visits to make sure the child is being provided for and not being used or abused as a servant or something. Have to have good money to adopt there and usually because they can't have their own children. I met a lady who had adopted a baby with her husband.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Thanks for telling me this. Years ago, I made the mistake of telling my Islamic neighbor I had been adopted. He freaked out! He told me I was a terrible person because I had never been properly raised since "no one can bring himself to punish a child who is not his own!" He said, "God forbids such things!"
Later, he threatened to kill me because I was a blight on the neighborhood....I used to have to run from him everyday. Sometimes he would bang on my door screaming, "I'm going to kill you!" I called the police and they said, "We can't help you because he hasn't done anything." When I pointed out that this neighbor had repeatedly threatened to kill me, the policeman said, "Then call us when you're dead."
Later, he threatened to kill me because I was a blight on the neighborhood....I used to have to run from him everyday. Sometimes he would bang on my door screaming, "I'm going to kill you!" I called the police and they said, "We can't help you because he hasn't done anything." When I pointed out that this neighbor had repeatedly threatened to kill me, the policeman said, "Then call us when you're dead."
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@cherokeepatti (Have you read my featured story?) So far, they have done nearly everything to me over the years. However, I do admit that in this case, I am not so sure. It might just be bad luck in having a bad neighbor. He beat his wife so often and so much that as she fled to a taxicab, she would leave bloody footprints on the steps and sidewalk. He attacked an old woman across the street and put her in the hospital; he served 3 months in the County jail for that.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@greenmountaingal No I haven't. I think you got a fanatic if he calls himself Muslim. Maybe they don't allow adoptions in some of the Arab countries. Ironically some of those countries have so many cousin marriages that birth defects are high, serious birth defects, seems they are cursing themselves by keep doing that.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@greenmountaingal We got a Make My Day Law, if he tried that crap in my neighborhood there are a few that have carried conceal-permits and would take his ass out.
bijouxbroussard · F
Another reason not to be a Muslim, I guess. 😒
abe182 · 51-55, M
Fuck that. No offense.
Religion sucks nuts