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What is your thoughts on online relationships.

Poll - Total Votes: 27
It is real and can absolutely work. I will do it.
Nah - i dont believe in that stuff. Not real.
It is dangerous. Avoid it at all cost.
Maybe... Proceed with caution.
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I met someone on EP and a beautiful friendship started. Within a week we were exchanging love songs and soon it was much more than friends.
JustNik · 51-55, F
Feelings are very intense here. At best we are whittled down to our true selves. At worst, we adopt a persona and use it to play our games. Understand that knowing which you are dealing with takes time and anything that feels off is a red flag and shouldn't be ignored. Past that, I think it's wise to remember that those feelings don't often translate well into the physical. A virtual connection does not guarantee chemistry and that first meeting is nothing short of freaky more often than not. I guess I'm just saying keep your eyes open and your expectations low. :)
Be very careful
aprilmay · 22-25, F
Glossy, then its already real. Congratulations I a happy for you :) b/t/w is it ok for me to ask how much older than you he is?
CheerfullyCurious · 46-50, F
Well said justNik! I agree chemistry can be missing . Also - We only get the best side of someone online.
jackson55 · M
It does work. But you both have to be on the same page.
nonperv · 41-45, M
I believe in online relationships. Technology has changed who we are an how we interact. Proximity is not required anymore.
I don't believe in it but it's easy to develop those feelings...developing one myself...definitely dangerous!
Enchanted · 56-60, F
Been there done that...I say avoid at all costs..just as heart breaking as IRL..
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CheerfullyCurious · 46-50, F
@Hanized - i agree super dangerous but oooh so good!
aprilmay · 22-25, F
Is he the older man fro your other question?
It happened to me as well! I am very lucky!
Glossy, you should read my recent post.
aprilmay · 22-25, F
Sounds like you already sort of decided then
I wish you the best of luck.
i dont believe in it. and its dangerous when meeting up with them. especially on some of these sites. i feel for someone before online and found out they werent who they were saying they were. so you have to be cautious
If people are both willing to make it work. If i weren't terrified of relationships, i wouldn't be scared to be in a long distance relationship not for a little while anyway
aprilmay · 22-25, F
Glossy, how many times have you met in person?
CheerfullyCurious · 46-50, F
We often meet these days.
CheerfullyCurious · 46-50, F
Yes @Aprilmay he is.

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