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Just Who Do They Think They Are?

Seeking an ordinary street-map this was the first I opened, and of course it came with a "cookie" trap. ()What clown thought it clever to name a computing routine after a biscuit?)

Usually these have Accept / Reject All buttons. Not this one, operated by some outfit called "Cylex". This is the direct quote:

Consent to Cookies & Data processing
On this website we use cookies and similar functions to process end device information and personal data. The processing is used for purposes such as to integrate content, external services and elements from third parties, statistical analysis/measurement, personalized advertising and the integration of social media. Depending on the function, data is passed on to up to 61 third parties and processed by them. This consent is voluntary, not required for the use of our website and can be revoked at any time using the icon on the bottom left.
Store and/or access information on a device
Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development

What does "integrate content [sic]" mean? What is integrated with what?

What 3rd parties are they, what are their "services and elements"?

"personalised advertising" - The adjective is sloppy and frankly horrible, but what does the phrase it mean in the Dictionary According To Cylex?

What is "the integration of social media"? Which media are integrated how, with what else, and with what knowledge and permission of the said sites' users? If I let Cylex send my viewing to Twitter ('X'), say, does it mean Musk's Mob will put me on its Users' Register?

I know it's done purely to make money, and they all do it, but Cylex has hit on two wheezes to ensure as far as possible you cannot escape their clutches:

1) The icon opens a long list of clients, including Amazon and Twitter, plus many hidden behind opaque names - do we know if honest firms or fronts for criminals and "hostile actors"? I don't think it was all 61 , either, and you have to switch them on or off individually.

2) The on / off "switch" has two or three settings of a coloured dot in a small oval; not all of the same colours; with no explanation of which is which, nor what default setting (that first revealed) does, to prevent you choosing properly:

a) Grey border, grey button in centre; against a few company names.

b) Red border, red dot on left,

c) Green, dot on right.

Needless to say I refused to play their sneaky, sleazy game, closed the link and found another that gave me the map with just a simple "Reject All" switch.

It's about time such tricks were outlawed, but in the meantime all we can do is refuse to use such sites as far as possible.

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