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I tell you what, Yahoo is really getting more shitty as time goes on

So rewind about 3 years and you could comment on Yahoo articles. The problem is these articles were extremely toxic. At some point I wake up one day to check comments and they are all gone. 110%, every last single comment was just completely gone and didn't exist anymore. There wasn't even an option to comment on articles anymore.

Then, you could comment on Yahoo Finance articles but nothing else, and then they slowly rolled in being able to comment on all articles. The commenting is through OpenWeb, so I think it's a third party commenting thing, but they have the sensor so high, it's like you can't say anything without having the article declined after it posts or it doesn't post at all.

Someone on an article asked, "Do you remember After Mash?" and so I thought yes, because I did see an episode of it on YouTube that I would give my thoughts about it. I basically said about watching it on YouTube and I think if they would have brought in more characters from the original show (Mash) that it could have been more than what it was.

The thing comes back and says, "Your comment failed to publish" I hit retry about a thousand times, but it won't post. I was able to post how I'm trying to comment but I can't, and that posted but then when I edited it to say more, it came back to, "failed to publish".

Anyway, I reported it as a bug and near the end of what I was reporting I basically said how you guys at Yahoo have the censor so high, I said, you offer commenting and then restrict 99% of what people want to say. I said it's ridiculous. And it is. I understand you don't want people saying certain things, but it feels like the word, You, is what gets you in trouble. I don't know. I'm just glad I have other outlets I can speak my mind on how I feel. Especially here.

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