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I have something to say.

It’s not just America that’s divided. It’s humanity as a whole that’s divided. And the sifting process is in progress. As the evil days go by, more sifting will be done til every last person is clearly known for who they are.

There’s 2 groups of people in the end.

Good and bad.

Believers and non believers
The wheat will be separated from the tares.

Just saying.

And if you hate me for saying this, it’s ok. Jesus told me in his word that the world loves its own but because I’m am not of this world, I will be hated. Strong truth?

John 15:19
“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”
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antonioioio · 70-79, M Best Comment
That is so true ❤️
@antonioioio ty 🙂

MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
It's very true but you need to remember that you can be good and be a non believer.
Also those who believe (or pretend to believe) can be truly evil.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
I do agree with you generally. The world is divided. But if you're talking about the horrible thing that happened and that continues to happen to innocent little kids, I think the solution to that is simple.

However, I don't know if changing laws would necessarily make anything better. 😔
Skitzo · 56-60, M
Makes pefect sense to me. You explained it perfectly.
@Skitzo thank you 🙂
Skitzo · 56-60, M
@NoGamesTolerated you're welcome. And thank you too.
richa · 36-40, M
Definitely getting to the where everyone will have to pick a side
@richa absolutely but the thing is they already are.. they’re just not aware of it.
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exchrist · 31-35
Though I don't believe, i am a good person. Though i don't and never will read the bible; that is a helpful quote.
Alex51 · 61-69, M
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
I agree...that's it....the good and the bad.
Why is it that there are so many corrupt people in this world, liars and thieves and crooks....people who want to steel what you have and even kill for it. Just more crime then there ever was...EVER !
Babies being born out of wedlock, abortion, children being raised by strangers...
Most of the children that are not raised properly and not taught right from wrong, are the ones that are causing the crime today. The political divide is also out of control.
Less people going to church and staying away from God.
How will we ever turn all of this around ???
@Midlifemale We won’t! But HE will… and I believe he’s coming soon. 🙂
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Bertie · 46-50, F
Awesome! 👍😊 I'd love to see the faces of all those that get the covers ripped off of them, and they are finally known for WHO they really are. 🎭
TH3S10GUY1 · M
It is a shit-show
evil & greedy shit-show
@TH3S10GUY1 Evil is in charge now… in this world. But there’s still an unseen hand sitting high and looking low… and ultimately, he is the one Supreme control.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
What are some examples of the side that you are NOT on please?
@jackjjackson Read the New Testament and especially Matthew, Mark , Luke and John. Read the words of Jesus.

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