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Modern Liberalism is exactly like Narcissistic Personality Disorder

You have to hate yourself
You have to be what I tell you to be
I allow you some perimeters drawn by myself to make you think you are free
You have to agree with a "better version of yourself" presented by me
You have to be my slave
BlueVeins · 22-25
I'm not a liberal, but you could make that argument about literally any ideology which presents moral standards for people. Conservatism, for example, also presents a better version of oneself that people have to conform to in order to be considered good.
Carissimi · F
It’s not the same, and conservatives are not a monolithic body. @BlueVeins
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
How do any of these things rely to "modern liberalism"?
... Almost begs the question what "modern liberalism" actually is.
Except for the first statement, pretty much everything is authoritarian in nature. 🤷‍♂️
Wyocowboy · M
So much truth in those words.
Carissimi · F
I feel so sorry for kids manipulated by these activists to transition, then find it was a mistake, then not only have they mutilated their bodies, and become sterile, they have to deal with abusive narcissists who berate their decision. The whole ideology is pure narcissism. It’s ugly.
I think there is a broad spectrum of liberal thought.

Self-hating I don't get...?

But any ideology which purports to have "THE" answer(s) HAS to be or seem pushy, preachy, etc.
eMortal · M
Sometimes it’s necessary. Some people can’t be left to be themselves. They’re ticking time bombs or complete degenerates. Their “self” is awful.
Bang5luts · M
.. sounds like fun. And then what?
@Bang5luts human sacrifice
Bang5luts · M
sounds cozy
That sounds like religion to me
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