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iI1581224 · 31-35, F
—Lo miró con desconcierto, y una mueca de perturbación absoluta. No entendía por qué el murciélago había aparecido frente a ella.— Yes, Batsy, edgier than ever, oh, boy! —exclamó, y su mirada se dirigió hacia Harley, que entró tan teatral como cada vez.— Indeed, sweety, it smells like flying rat. —se cruzó de brazos, mirando la bizarra escena, y rodó los ojos.—
HQ1580951 · 31-35, F
— UGH, IVY! —la arlequina emuló una expresión de asco profundo, como la de quien tiene mierda embarrada debajo de la nariz. Agitó el desdororante ambiental y estiró el cuello de su blusa para tapar su naricita antes de rociar la loción por los alrededores—. It stinks of rat in here!!!
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iI1581224 · 31-35, F
Ugh, too edgy for me, anyway. So don’t get too dearie-cheerie now, or I’ll really think you’re a masochist.
B1581537 · 31-35, M
—Never with you, I know the effect of your kisses darling. Do you think I'm a fool who would look for one?
I can (rarely) be a romantic, never a masochist.
I can (rarely) be a romantic, never a masochist.
iI1581224 · 31-35, F
Wow, who would have known that you could be that poetic? And what’s the deal? Don’t tell me you’re planning to get all romantic now, cause that may work on the Kitty-cat, but not on me, sir.
B1581537 · 31-35, M
—I guess it must be wonderful for you, Ivy. In the deep darkness of the night, all seasons looks same.
iI1581224 · 31-35, F
Light can be deceiving; the grass is always green on this side of paradise, Batsy. 🌿
B1581537 · 31-35, M
—Autum came to you.
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