DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I wish we could. Yet it's a matter of resources.
This Earth can't support our level of technological growth for everyone.
It's not just food resources nor housing resources. It's the technology itself on top of everything else.
Just for a start. Vaccines require the technological growth. And that's just vaccines.
Everything is interdependent.
Just dropping vaccines would kill off our population in the hundreds of millions. Only the best immune systems would survive.
This Earth can't support our level of technological growth for everyone.
It's not just food resources nor housing resources. It's the technology itself on top of everything else.
Just for a start. Vaccines require the technological growth. And that's just vaccines.
Everything is interdependent.
Just dropping vaccines would kill off our population in the hundreds of millions. Only the best immune systems would survive.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I want to plant trees on mars too