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My Mom’s house was left like shit.

We should be there in a week and my aunt went over and took a peek for me. Said it reeks of cigarettes and dogs and he didn’t even try to clean. Shit everywhere.

That man is filth and he has completely disrespected my Mom and I the duration of knowing him. As much as I want revenge, I’m just glad he’s gone before it got worse. My aunt is being very cryptic which is so weird. I hate going back, but I have to fix the place up. I am still grateful for having a house, but dealing with my family again, being back East, it’s not gonna last long. They just treat you like shit and expect you to love it.

Life is weird. Sometimes it’s really hard to believe anyone. I believe in myself and trust that people will screw me over, I haven’t experienced it any other way.
It is discouraging isn't it? I too have recently felt the sadness, confusion and very honrdtly quite stupid. At my age I should know better.

I do know I cannot allow negativity take a hold and poison my psyche. It just another shortly lived life lesson and I'm grateful I am able to know there are still good people in this world. People like you and like me are ones who will survive some of what lies ahead. Stay health, Stay happy. Things will work out.
Do you have to engage with your family ,just because you're moving back to the house ? Fuck that ...i wouldn't, especially if they are toxic people
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@SW-User Minimally… but one of the first things I plan to do when we get back is to ask them all to leave me alone. I’ll try to be kind as possible, but I don’t want them near me at all. My one aunt and my grandma only have in because I just don’t have it in my heart to cut them out completely. They care as best they can, they just suck as people.

I have a lot of work ahead of me and I’m just pissed. @SW-User
@RebelFox I wish you all the best ..
You are far nicer than I with this stuff ...I'm sure you will make that house a beautiful home for you and your son...
Teslin · M
Amazing how some people treat property when it is not theirs?
So sorry you have to deal with what this a$$hole left.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Dont understand some people
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@vetguy1991 it blows my mind. I wish I could cave his stupid face in.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
@RebelFox understandable
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Sorry your family is so toxic.
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
Sorry to hear that. I have just gone through that experience with a tenant that not only trashed the apt, she also became very belligerent with me.

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