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Don't wait till they ask you for help - look for things. Take out the trash (not just once). Pick up after yourself. If you see something broken, ask if it's okay if you fix it. Don't just speak your appreciation, show it.

But it is awesome of you to appreciate it!
Danielarrc18-21, F
@Mamapolo2016 Will keep doing that. It's mostly not knowing what I'm "allowed" to touch or try to fix/clean on my own. But yeah i can always just ask lol that's makes it easy find out! Thanks!

MarkPaul26-30, M
Sit down with them, tell them how appreciative you are of them, and ask how you can help them to reciprocate. Do that, instead of telling random strangers online how much you appreciate them.
@MarkPaul so so true.very good advice i was going to say about the same thing
TheDarknessHasFallen41-45, M
DO make them some cookies. IF you can bake! or buy them some flowers :)
Danielarrc18-21, F
@TheDarknessHasFallen both of them sound good! I'll try to pick up ingredients tonight and maybe some flowers since I'll already be at the store. Thanks!
TheDarknessHasFallen41-45, M
@Danielarrc aw Im sure theyll like them :)
goagainsttheflow26-30, F
You could keep your space clean and help with chores. It's always good to have some extra help :3
raysam36331-35, F
Clean a little, cook something now and then, simple things.
celine21122-25, F
Help them around the house and clean up your own mess
Just help them out, don't be a burden

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