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I have no water

A few days ago our water stopped working. Its a private well. There is a pump out a ways across the pasture. It connects to an outside shed where the water filter is and then it goes to our house. I think the problem might be at the pump. Its turned off once before. When it happened the first time, we walked out to the pump and saw where the cows had broken the plastic casing that covers the electric wires for it. We moved it around a bit, decided we had no clue how it works, and put the cover back on it. When we back inside our water was working again. Any ideas?
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robb65 · 56-60, M
I'm guessing the plastic thing the cows broke before was the cover on the pressure switch. If it was me I would look to see if the contacts are open or closed. Then I would check to see if there was voltage at the pressure switch, and if there is whether or not it is going through the contacts. (of course you'd need to be comfortable working with electricity and have a voltage meter).

It's possible you aren't getting power to the pressure switch ( broke wire, tripped breaker).

It's possible the contacts in the pressure switch are stuck open or are burnt. Usually you can see the contacts when you remove the cover and can tell by looking if they are open. If they appear closed but you aren't getting power through them then they are burnt. You may be able to clean them with fine sandpaper and get it going temporary but in either of these cases replacing the switch would be the right thing to do.

If you have power and the pressure switch is good that just leaves the pump itself and any wiring between the pressure switch and the pump.

Edit: There's also " pump is running but not pumping". This is more likely in an above ground pump than a submersible. Above ground pumps sometimes lose their prime and need to be primed. It also possible a foot valve stuck open, or there's a hole in one of the pipes (above ground jet pumps have two pipes going down into the well) or a broke impeller, or a piece of something clogging the jet .
morrgin · F
@robb65 its submersible in the outbuilding it says
robb65 · 56-60, M
@morrgin Those seem to be a lot more trouble free than the above ground jet pumps. Probably just a bad pressure switch.
morrgin · F
@robb65 it turned out to be a bad wire from a capacitor. The pro came out and in probably about 10 minutes or less he completed the testing and had the electric box replaced. Water back on.
sciguy18 · M
Sounds like maybe there is a bad connection somewhere and when you “moved it around a bit” you reconnected it. If it happens again, probably want to have a well pump installer take a look at it.
TexChik · F
Is it your property or are you renting?
morrgin · F
@TexChik tried that
TexChik · F
@morrgin is there water in it? Try going to Youtube and typing in GE front loader errors or reset...They may give you ideas
morrgin · F
@TexChik ty😁
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Next time build an enclosed area for your pump to ensure that the cows 🐄 do not eat or damage the pump
If it's pulling in too much sand or something, it can get clogged. Or motor could be old and dying?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Sounds like a broken or loose wire that you accidentally reconnected by moving the pump. I would call and electrician to trace the fault. I doubt that your 'fix' is permanent.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Check if there is a breaker or fuse that controls the pump
morrgin · F
@kodiac there is
kodiac · 22-25, M
@morrgin Is the breaker tripped or fuse blown?
morrgin · F
@kodiac breaker is not tripped and the fuse is undetermined
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Number one, call an expert. Number two, go wiggle the wires again and if that doesn’t work, refer to number one!
what one person here said is right it could be sand or even metal flakes off the well casing .. a different thought is your water table is dropped also. my thought if you dont know what you are doing . get a well man out there to check it.. winter is coming soon and you need water.. most do build a well house to cover the pump .
and some one who does wells will explain what is happening.. it cost and its worth having a pro on this.. mark
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Try the obvious first if you don’t find the problem(s), call an expert.
coolnudist · 70-79, M
Find your pressure switch and bump it, it might be stuck open! Mine sticks open some times I bump it they close got water again! Get you a small flat file like 1/4 inch wide! Cut the power off, then file the points they get caroded sometimes. They go back to working! This is what I do to mine sometimes! Good luck with it!
wunderluv · 51-55, M
Did you figure out the issue with your water pump yet?
wunderluv · 51-55, M
@morrgin great so you have water again.. and hopefully for a long time!
Was there something that overloaded the pump to blow the capacitor that the repair guy had to clear?
morrgin · F
@wunderluv not sure i think it had got kinda old maybe
wunderluv · 51-55, M
@morrgin that makes sense.. I’m glad you got it fixed now
windinhishair · 61-69, M
It sounds like a loose connection in the wiring. You should get that fixed as it could spark and cause an electrical fire.
Find someone that knows what they're doing..
Are you sure that landlords daughter didn't sabotage the well herself?
icedsky · 51-55, M
Definitely a wiring problem
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Im guessing the cows nessed up the pressure switch the first time, maye just dirty or a wire connection
That’s terrible. I hope it’s back up soon 🙏
Naughty cows 🐮

Hope you get it sorted 😎
MethDozer · M
Like others said check your pressure switch.

Well pumps honestly aren't that hard to replace onself if ths pump is blown either.

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