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To all the veterans...

A very heartfelt thank you to every man and woman who stood up for us, espically those who gave their lives protecting us and America. None, not 1 should be on the street, espically when our leader are giving tax dollars to illegal boarder jumpers. Big brother made a promise to these men and women. We gotta make sure they keep that promise!!!
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Pfuzylogic · M
I am a veteran and have been “homeless” in the past as in living in a motel but I don’t like mixing the current politics in it.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I'll agree with the over all thoughts.

The reasoning is flawed.
It's sad to see that you are believing whatever the media puts out there blindly.
TiFOgsP69 · 46-50, M
@HootyTheNightOwl the media, you mean the liberal media that was making that POS look credible. All these liberal cards were acting like the concentration camps were opening Tuesday. But that would've been if that POS won. So have a seat and reevaluate your version of the reality. And apologize to these veterans who risked all and even came back and are on the streets because of all government. But liberalism is extreme mental illness!!
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Appreciate that my friend. I did my time in the Marine Corps and I have been homeless before too. I pulled myself back up by the bootstraps because there were no programs to help. Especially in California so I did what I had to do and got my s*** taken care of. But I really appreciate the sentiment and thank you
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Hate to be a buzzkill but lack of helping hands isn't the issue.

It's going in young with infinite faith in the system and coming home finding out your not where you thought, they don't believe in equality, you've been made the least of the loathsome, toxic and disposable.

Then find your wife or girl alienated, your dog castrated while your uncles cousins dads have been branded the worst threat or nothing but a crime. Told shut up and be ashamed.

Meanwhile the white tower newly minted uber riche worship weasels warpies and protect the worthless, and blame the defenders of all that's good for the mess made while it was being defended.

Words can't fix that.

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