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Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@CrazyMusicLover it will be an intense 4 years that’s for sure. I am in the USA.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Mostly my work. I know the economy is going to improve exponentially, so my dollars will be worth more and it'll cost less for me to drive to my jobs.
I don't expect miracles. These things take time.
But every new day breathing air is a gift, especially with Make America Great Again in charge.
I don't expect miracles. These things take time.
But every new day breathing air is a gift, especially with Make America Great Again in charge.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@Reason10 fair points
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
Warm weather. I think I’ll take a trip out to the mountains again if possible once the weather is nice. There’s a particular cabin I’ve been eyeing since the view would be better than the one I stayed in during my vacation.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@Colonelmustardseed nice
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@JohnOlinger81 Mr olinger I recognize your username you are very popular on here or was it EP 🤔
Trump obiliterating the DOJ and rebuilding the economy.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@Dignaga I thought they were sworn enemies?
@Moneyonmymind I think Obama is more against Migrants than Trump. He out performed him on deportations.
Yes, the weather's due to be a bit good
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@AbsolutelyFabulous nice!

I'm looking forward to my 57th birthday on Feb 9th.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@SW-User nice hope it’s good for ya
Lilymoon · F
Besides Spring not really
Shybutwilling2bfriends · 61-69
Not really
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Panamared · 70-79, M
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@Panamared don’t like the cold?
Panamared · 70-79, M
@Moneyonmymind never have
LifeIsShort · M
A Job.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@LifeIsShort I feel that. I spent the first half of this year unemployed
wildbill83 · 41-45, M

Absolutely nothing
Absolutely nothing
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
Not really... I am hoping to spend more time working on my van and earn some money. Already looking forwards to the end of the winter.
candycane · 36-40, F